Climate change, the environment and the cost of living top the #SetTheAgenda poll
- Written by Misha Ketchell, Editor, The Conversation

When the 2022 federal election was called three weeks ago, we at The Conversation made a decision to let our readers, not politicians, decide the most important issues facing our nation.
We reached out on social media, in our newsletter and on The Conversation website, asking you to tell us what would influence your vote in the lead-up to the election. And now we have the results.
A staggering 10,000 people took part in our #SetTheAgenda poll. If you were one of those readers, thank you for sharing your views with us.
Number one on the agenda
Climate change was overwhelmingly the number-one issue on our readers’ agenda. In fact, more than 60% of you picked it as one of the issues with the greatest impact on your life right now.
Climate change, renewable energy and emissions reduction also featured highly in responses to the question “What do you want the candidates to be talking about as they compete for votes?”.
Respondents could choose up to three topics close to their hearts. The next most common answers after climate change (62.3%) were: the environment (28.4%), cost of living (19.9%), misinformation (19.3%) and housing (14%).
Rounding out the top ten concerns were aged care, health, mental health, education and COVID-19. The topics of gender equity (7.6%) and First Nations representation (7.3%) also featured highly, just outside the top ten.