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  • Written by Daniel Andrews

Nothing about this year has been easy. 

But the hardest thing of all has been missing the people we love most. 

Collectively, we’ve missed the big moments and the small. 

Birthdays and barbeques. Special dinners and cups of tea. 

Those things we didn’t even know we’d miss – until we realised just how precious they really were. But we did it. Because staying apart meant keeping each other safe. 

Today, because of that sacrifice, our state can be whole again. Families will be whole again too. From 11:59pm tonight, the boundary between Melbourne and regional Victoria will come down. The 25-kilometre limit will no longer be in place. 

And Victorians will be able to make up for lost time with loved ones. 

There’re some other changes too. 

The rules that currently apply to regional Victoria will apply to the whole state – wherever you live. For Melbourne, that means visits to the home will be relaxed – a little. 

You can still only have a maximum of two people to visit per day. Going forward though, those two people don’t need to be from the same household, and they’ll be able to come at different times. 

It’s really important that people stick within these rules. The data is very clear on this: so many of our recent outbreaks were connected to home visits. 

Home is where we relax, where we feel comfortable – which is precisely why it’s so dangerous.  

There’ll be other changes for Melbourne too. Restaurants, pubs and cafes will be able to host up to 40 customers indoors and 70 outdoors. 

Gyms and indoor sporting facilities can open with up to 20 – subject to strict density limits. Indoor sport for those 18 and under can recommence. 

Indoor religious ceremonies will be increased to 20, with 50 allowed outside. The same numbers will apply to funerals, but there’s no change to weddings – for now. 

Community spaces like libraries or RSLs and neighbourhood houses can have up to 20 indoors, with groups of up to ten.

And accommodation will be able to open – because frankly, Victorians have earned a break. There are some other changes that we’ve been able to bring forward. 

From tonight, and across the state, indoor entertainment venues will be able to open with 20 people per space. That means movie theatres, galleries, museums and music halls will now be able to open. 

Something that I know will mean a whole lot to a whole lot of families, the rules around visiting aged care and hospitals will also be relaxed. 

Instead of a specific number of visitors – a household will be able to visit together. Once per day and limited to two hours. 

Those under 16 will also be able to visit hospitals. And the time limit for partners visiting maternity wards will no longer exist. 

Individual hospitals and facilities though may continue to have their own policies – reflecting the needs of their patients and whatever the virus might be doing in our community. 

Reflecting the progress we’ve made – the State of Disaster will not be renewed. But because the virus is still very much with us, the State of Emergency will be extended until 6 December to allow the Chief Health Officer’s directions to remain in force. 

From 22 November – and in line with the public health advice – Victoria is on track to reach the Last Step in our roadmap towards reopening. 

Private gatherings will be able to increase to 10 people. 

Gatherings for religious services, weddings and funerals will also increase too. 

Our hospitality venues will be able to have up to 100 indoors, 200 outside. 

There’ll also be increases for other indoor venues like cinemas and gym and galleries. More detail about other changes will be made available online. 

Of course, in getting there – we’ll continue to rely on the advice of our public health experts. And we’ll continue to rely on the efforts of every Victorian. 

By now everyone knows the drill when it comes to keeping safe – so I won’t waste words. But I will say this: We have worked so hard. We have given up so much. And together, we’ve come so far. We’ve got to protect it. 

So, let’s stay safe, stay open – and keep going.

Note: Cleaning, signage and record keeping requirements and other COVIDSafe requirements continue to apply for many venues and facilities. A density quotient applies to all  indoor venues and spaces, except for workplaces that are not accessible to the public, private residences, and areas of accommodation facilities that are for the exclusive use  

Note: Cleaning, signage, record keeping, and other COVIDSafe requirements continue to apply for many venues and facilities. The density quotient  of a single group. 

applies to all indoor venues and spaces, except for workplaces that are not accessible to the public, private residences, and areas of accommodation  facilities that are for the exclusive use of a single group. Further easing of restrictions is subject to public health advice.

Newly announced items in purple 


STATEWIDE POSITION FROM 11:59PM ON 8 NOVEMBER (where the setting is new state-wide this is indicated in blue where the setting is new in metropolitan Melbourne this is  indicated in green




gatherings  and leaving  home  

  • Stay Safe: no restrictions on reasons to leave  home but must stay within 25km of home  (with exceptions).  
  • Work: If you can work from home, you must  work from home. 
  • Intrastate travel: Travel between regional  Victoria and metropolitan Melbourne only  allowed under specified exceptions. 
  • Face coverings: a fitted face covering must  be worn in public at all times (with specified  exceptions). 
  • Private gatherings: 

o Up to two people from the same  

household can visit a household, plus: 

- any infants under 12 months and other  dependents  

- any intimate partner 

o Each household can only have one visit  per day. 

o People may only visit homes within 25kms  of their home (except intimate partners  or nominated person as part of the single  person bubble).  

  • Public gatherings: Up to 10 people can gather  outdoors from any number of households,  excluding infants under 12 months. More than  10 people can gather in public if they are all  from the same household.  
  • Stay Safe: no restrictions on reasons to leave home or  distance but work from home if you can
  • Work: No change. 
  • Intrastate travel: Allowed. 
  • Face covering: No change. 
  • Private gatherings: 

o Each day, a household can receive up to two different  adult visitors per day, either together or separately.  o Dependents of the visitors are excluded from visitor  caps if they cannot be left unattended or cared for in  another setting.  

o Any intimate partners of those who ordinarily reside at  the household being visited are excluded from daily visitor  caps. 

  • Public gatherings: No change. 
  • Stay Safe: No change. 
  • Work: No change. 
  • Intrastate travel: No change. • Face covering: No change. 
  • Private gatherings: up to 10  visitors at a time can visit a  


  • Public gatherings: up to 50 people  can gather outdoors from any  number of households, excludes  infants under 12 months. 





Exercise and  recreation 

  • Indoor physical recreation (including classes  and personal training) 

o Not permitted except for recording and  broadcasting purposes with minimum number  of people required to conduct and record/ stream the activity, up to a maximum of 5  people. 

  • Indoor community sport: Not permitted. 
  • Outdoor physical recreation 

o Personal training permitted for up to 10  people plus a trainer. 

o Fitness or dance classes permitted for up  to 10 people plus a trainer. 

  • Outdoor community sport 

o Adults: Non-contact community sport  permitted with the minimum number required  to play the sport, including officials. Cap of  10 participants for individual events (e.g.  running). 

o Children (18 and under): Contact and non contact community sport permitted with the  minimum number required to play the sport  (including officials). Cap of 10 participants for  individual events (e.g. running). 

  • Indoor pools, including lessons: 

o Closed except for: 

  • one-on-one hydrotherapy sessions with  a health professional or support worker/carer  where clinically indicated (no group sessions) • Professional or high-performance  training or competition 
  • Educational purposes for a single school. 
  • Outdoor pools, including lessons: 

o Limited to the lesser of 50 people or a  density quotient of 1 per 4m2, except:  

  • professional or high-performance training  or competition. 
  • educational purposes for a single school. • exclusive use for community sport. 
  • Indoor physical recreation (including classes and  personal training) 


o Strict density quotient of 1 per 8m2. 

o Patron cap of up to 10 per space and 20 per  venue with a maximum group size of 10 per session. o Patrons continue to wear face masks unless out  of breath. 

o Staggered class times and time gap of 15 minutes  to avoid congregation and exceeding group limits. o Required to have a COVIDSafe Marshal onsite. Children (18 and under): 

o Non-contact activities permitted where a  distance of 1.5 metres can be maintained for a  maximum of 20 people. Spectators are limited to one  parent, guardian or carer only, where child requires  supervision. 

  • Indoor community sport 

Adults: Not permitted 

Children (18 and under): Non-contact activities  permitted where a distance of 1.5 metres can be  maintained for a maximum of 20 people. Spectators  are limited to one parent, guardian or carer only,  where child requires supervision. 

  • Outdoor physical recreation: No change. • Outdoor community sport: No change. 
  • Indoor pools, including lessons: 

o Open subject to pool maximum of 20 patrons or  density quotient of 1 per 4m2, whichever is lower. 

  • Outdoor pools, including lessons: No change.  
  • Indoor physical recreation – contact or  non-contact: 

o Patron cap of up to 100 people. o Group or class size up to 20 people. o Density quotient of 1 per 4m2 

  • Indoor community sport – contact or  non-contact: 

o Patron cap of up to 100 people. o Group or class size up to 20 people. o Density quotient of 1 per 4m2 

o Large sporting venues will be able  to open with a 25 per cent venue patron  cap, with each space subject to the  density quotient. 

  • Outdoor sport and recreation – contact  or non-contact: 

o Patron cap of 500, group sizes align  with public gathering limits of 50 people. o Density quotient of 1 per 4m2

  • Indoor pools, including lessons: o Patron cap of 50, excluding  


o Density quotient of 1 per 4m2

  • Outdoor pools, including lessons: o Open with no patron cap but a  density quotient of 1 per 4m2.





Exercise and  recreation 

Community  facilities 

  • Skateparks: 

o Indoor: Closed 

o Outdoor: Open 

  • Playcentres: Closed.  
  • Trampolining centres:  

o Indoors: Closed 

o Outdoors: Open 

  • Libraries and toy libraries: Can provide  contactless click and collect and home  delivery services to the community.  
  • Community venues: 

Closed except for hosting: 

o an essential public support service, or  support group to a max of 10 people, or for  exclusive use of a school 

o conducting activities in an outdoor  space, subject to the public gathering limit  (10 people) plus the minimum number of  people required to conduct the activity. 

  • Skateparks:  

o Indoor: Open to people aged 18 years and under  with a maximum of 20 patrons, group limits of 10,  density quotient of 1 per 4m2

o Spectators are limited to one parent, guardian  or carer only, where child requires supervision. o Outdoor: No change. 

  • Playcentres: Open with patron cap of 20 and group  limits of 10, density quotient of 1 per 4m2. Spectators  are limited to one parent, guardian or carer only,  where child requires supervision. 
  • Trampolining centres: 

o Indoor: Open to people aged 18 years and under  with a maximum of 20 patrons, density quotient of 1  per 4m2

o Spectators are limited to one parent, guardian  or carer only, where child requires supervision. o Outdoors: No change. 

  • Libraries and toy libraries: Up to 20 people  maximum indoors and up to 10 people per space,  subject to density quotient. 
  • Community venues: Open for all purposes with up to  20 people maximum indoors and up to 10 people per  space, subject to density quotient of 1 per 4m2. o No more than 5 people per space singing or  using wind instruments for amateur groups. 
  • Skateparks:  

o Indoor: up to 50 people indoors,  density quotient of 1 per 4m2

o Outdoor: No change. 

  • Playcentres: group limit of 20, patron cap  of 50, Density quotient of 1 per 4m2
  • Trampolining centres: group limit of 20,  patron cap of 50, density quotient of 1 per  4m2 as relevant. 
  • Libraries and toy libraries: Group limit 20,  patron cap of 100 people, density quotient  of 1 per 4m2
  • Community venues: Group limit 20, patron  cap of 100 people, density quotient of 1 per  4m2

o No more than 5 people per space  singing or using wind instruments for  amateur groups





Ceremonies  and religious  gatherings  

  • Indoor religious gatherings and ceremonies:  o Allowed for up to 10 people, plus one faith  leader, limited to 90 minutes and subject  to a COVIDSafe plan including the density  quotient. 
  • Outdoor religious gatherings and  ceremonies:  

o Allowed for up to 20 people, plus 1 faith  leader, must be proximate to a place of  worship. 

  • Weddings: Allowed with up to 10 people  indoors or outdoors, excluding the couple,  celebrant and photographer.  
  • Funerals: Allowed with up to 20 people  indoors or outdoors, excluding infants under  12 months and persons necessary to conduct  funeral. 
  • Indoor religious gatherings and ceremonies:  o Allowed for up to 20 people with a group size  of 10 plus one faith leader, subject to requirements  including a COVIDSafe plan and the density  quotient. 
  • Outdoor religious gatherings and ceremonies: o Allowed for up to 50 people, plus one faith leader.  Ceremonial participants are otherwise included in  cap, held proximate to a place of worship.  
  • Weddings: No change. 
  • Funerals:  

o Indoors: Up to 20 people, excluding infants under  12 months and persons necessary to conduct funeral. o Outdoors: Up to 50 people, excluding infants  under 12 months and persons necessary to conduct  funeral. 

  • Indoor religious gatherings and  ceremonies:  

o Allowed for groups of 20, total venue  cap of 100, density quotient of 1 per 4m2 

  • Outdoor religious gatherings and  ceremonies:  

o Allowed for groups of 50, total venue  cap of 500, density quotient of 1 per 4m2 

  • Weddings:  

o Allowed with up to 100 members of the  public, density quotient of 1 per 4m2 

o At a private residence: private  

gathering limits. 

  • Funerals:  

o Allowed with up to 100 members of the  public, density quotient of 1 per 4m2 

o At a private residence: private  

gathering limits.  

Education  and  


  • School: on-site learning for all year levels.  
  • Higher education and training: learn from  home if you can. 
  • Early childcare education and care: open for  all children.  
  • In-home child minding: allowed for all  children. 
  • No change. • No change.


Hospitality • Food and drink facilities: open for seated  service, subject to limits:  

o Indoor: Up to 10 persons per space with  

a total cap of 20 patrons per venue indoors,  

subject to density of 1 per 4m2 

o Outdoor: Up to 50 patrons per venue,  

subject to density of 1 per 2m2 and maximum  

groups of 10 persons.  

o Outdoor live music: Permitted in outdoor  

food and drink facilities with COVIDSafe  


  • Food courts 

o Indoor: limited to the lesser of 25 per  

cent of a venue’s fixed seating capacity  

or a density quotient of 1 per 8m2, with a  

maximum of two people per table, plus  


o Outdoor: limited to 50 patrons per area  

subject to a density quotient of 1 per 2m2,  

with a maximum of 10 people per table, plus  

depend-ents. Each area must separated  

by 10 meters from the next. No more than  

4 areas per facility to a maximum of 200  


  • Hospitality in arenas/ racetracks: hospitality  

venues in other sectors such as sports arenas  

are subject to the same restrictions as other  

hospitality if open to the public. 


  • Food and drink facilities: open for seated service,  subject to limits:  

o Indoor: 40 patrons per venue indoors, subject  to density of 1 per 4m2 and a maximum of 10 people  per space.  

o “Spaces” can be separated by either  

temporary structures or at least 5 metres between  collections of 10 seats or less, subject to the overall  indoor cap of 40 and a density of 1 per 4m2. o Outdoor: Up to 70 patrons per venue, subject  to density of 1 per 2m2 and maximum groups of 10  persons.  

o Live music: Requirement of 5m distance  from audience, and 2m between performers.  Recommend live music performed outdoors  

where possible. Performance and rehearsal rules  for professionals apply to all live music settings.  Performers are excluded from venue cap.  

  • Food courts: No change. 
  • Hospitality in arenas/ racetracks: No change. 




  • Food and drink facilities: open for seated  service, subject to limits:  

o Indoor: Total venue capacity of 100  patrons per venue indoors, subject to  density of 1 per 4m2 and a maximum group  size of 20 persons. 

o Outdoor: Up to 200 patrons per venue  outdoors, subject to density of 1 per 2m2 o Total venue capacity of 300 people. 

  • Food courts:  

o Indoor: limited to the lesser of 50 per  cent of a venue’s fixed seating capacity  or a density quotient of 1 per 8m2, with a  maximum of four people per table, plus  dependents. 

  • o Outdoor: limited to 50 patrons per  area subject to a density quotient of 1 per  2m2, with a maximum of 20 people per  table. Each such area must be separated  by 10 metres from the next. No more than  10 areas per facility to a maximum of 500  people. 
  • Hospitality in arenas/ racetracks: No  change. 

Shopping,  retail and  personal  services 

  • Retail (other than hairdressing, beauty and  personal care): open.  
  • Hairdressing, beauty and personal care  services: open for services where the client  can wear a face covering for the duration  of the service or procedure are permitted  (e.g. manicures, pedicures, body waxing,  tattooing) 
  • No change. • Hairdressing, beauty and personal care  services: Masks can be removed for the  

person receiving the service of procedure  

if necessary, such as facial waxing, facials,  

beard trimmings and piercings around the  

mouth, nose and cheeks. 





Entertainment and leisure 

  • Indoor venues, excluding events: 

o Cinemas; music halls, concert halls and  auditoriums; galleries and museums closed  except for: 

- Broadcasting limited to the minimum  number of people necessary for the  

performance and broadcast of that activity. 

  • Indoor arena, stadium or convention centre:  closed. 
  • Outdoor seated venues (fixed seated venues,  such as arenas, stadiums, grandstands or  theatres):  

o Open for up to the lesser of 50 people or  25 per cent of the venue’s fixed seat capacity. o Open for up to 10 people per group. o Groups must be 1.5m apart from each  other and seated.  

  • Indoor spaces at outdoor seated venues:  • o Closed, except for toilets and areas used  as thoroughfares to outdoor spaces (e.g.  foyer, reception area).  
  • o Exceptions for broadcasting. 
  • Drive-in cinemas: 

o open with: 

- no seating outside vehicles. 

- indoor spaces closed except for toilets  and areas used as thoroughfares to outdoor  spaces (e.g. foyer, reception area). 

- Venues with 500 or more capacity at one  time must publish their COVIDSafe Plan  online prior to opening. 

  • Non-seated outdoor entertainment spaces,  such as zoos or live museums, excluding  events:  

o Outdoor spaces open. 

o Indoor spaces closed except for toilets  and areas used as thoroughfares to outdoor  spaces (e.g. foyer, reception area).  

o Venues with 500 or more capacity at  one time must publish their COVIDSafe Plan  online prior to opening.  

  • Indoor entertainment venues: 

o Open: Cinemas; music halls, concert halls and  auditoriums; galleries and museums; and State  Library of Victoria 

- Open for a maximum of 20 people per space  (e.g. each screening room, gallery space or  auditorium).  

- 1.5m distance between bookings, maximum  bookings of 10 people.  

- Performance times (including film screenings)  staggered to minimum interval of 30 mins  between sessions to avoid crowds in foyers and  bathrooms. 

  • Indoor arena, stadium or convention centre: No  change. 
  • Outdoor seated venues: No change. 
  • Indoor spaces at outdoor seated venues: No  change. 
  • Drive-in cinemas: No change. 
  • Non-seated outdoor entertainment spaces, such  as zoos or live museums, excluding events:  o Indoor spaces within these venues classified  as museums open as per indoor entertainment for  museums with a maximum of 20 people per space. 
  • Indoor seated venues (e.g. cinemas and  theatres):  

o Open for a maximum of 100 people per  space and up to 20 people in any group  booking), subject to density of 1 per 4m2,  and a max 25% capacity 

o Staggered performances for separate  spaces. 

  • Indoor non-seated venue (e.g. museums  and galleries, State Library): 

o Further announcements will be made  on Last Step settings. 

o Open, group limit of 20, maximum of  100 people per venue, subject to density  quotient of 1 per 4m2, max 25% capacity o Events may be considered separately. 

  • Outdoor spaces: Open, for up to 50 per  cent seat-ed capacity up to a maximum  of 500 people and density quotient of 1 per  4m2
  • Indoor spaces at outdoor venues: Open,  subject to restrictions on hospitality or  retail depending on the space. 
  • Drive-in cinemas: No change. 
  • Non-seated outdoor entertainment  spaces: No change.  
  • Indoor spaces: Open, subject to restrictions  on hospitality, retail, indoor seated or  indoor non-seated venues depending on  the space.





Entertainment and leisure 

  • Retail betting venue: open subject to both  retail and licensed premises restrictions.  Patrons must be seated unless placing a bet,  purchasing food or drinks, using the toilet or  entering or leaving the venue.  
  • Arcade, amusement park, escape room,  bingo centre: Closed
  • Gaming and casinos: Closed
  • Electronic gaming areas: closed
  • Nightclubs and karaoke: Closed
  • Adult entertainment, brothels and sex on  premises venues: Closed. 
  • Creative studios, including venues for art,  music: restricted – private only access  permitted to individual studios. 
  • Retail betting venue: No change. 
  • Arcade, amusement park, escape room, bingo  centre: No change. 
  • Casino: 

o Open 10 separate rooms, electronic gaming  machines and electronic gaming tables only.  Maximum of 10 people per room.  

o Additional COVIDSafe requirements apply. 

  • Electronic gaming: 

o Electronic gaming to equivalent of 25 per cent  of indoor hospitality limit of 40 patrons or up to 10  patrons per venue per electronic gaming room.  o Additional COVIDSafe requirements apply. 

  • Nightclubs and karaoke: No change. 

  • Adult entertainment, brothels and sex on  premises venues: No change. 
  • Creative studios, including venues for art and  music: Up to 10 people per space with 1.5 metres  distance between patrons and subject to density  quotient 1 per 4m2.  

o No more than 5 people per space singing or  using wind instruments for amateur groups, 

  • Retail betting venue: No change. 
  • Arcade, amusement park, escape room,  bingo centre:  

o Indoors: Group limit of 20, up to 100  people subject to density quotient of 1 per  4m2

  • Casino: 

o Open subject to patron caps (to be  determined) and a density quotient of 1  per 4m2 

  • Electronic gaming: 

o Group limit of 20, Venue cap of 100,  density quotient of 1 per 4m2

  • Nightclubs and karaoke: No change. 
  • Adult entertainment: 

o Strip clubs: Groups of 10, seated  service only, maximum of 100 people per  venue, subject to density quotient of 1 per  4m2.  

o Sex on premises venue: 10 patron cap  in venue,  

o Brothel: 10 patron cap in public or  shared spaces,  

o COVIDSafe requirements apply 

  • Creative studios, including venues for art  and music: Up to 20 people per space with  1.5 metres distance between patrons and  subject to density quotient.





Real estate  


Accommodation  and tourism 

  • Inspections: Conducted for up to 10 people  from two households, excluding the owners/ residents of the property and the real estate  agent.  
  • Auctions: Conducted outdoors for up to 10  people, plus the owners and the minimum  number of people required to conduct the  auction. 
  • Accommodation: closed except for limited  exceptional purposes. 
  • Outdoor tourism spaces: open for groups up  to a maximum of 10 people plus the minimum  number required to operate the tourism  service.  
  • Indoor tourism spaces: closed except for  toilets and areas used as thoroughfares to  outdoor spaces (e.g. foyer, reception area).  
  • Tour transport: permitted in open air vehicles,  for groups in line with public gathering limits. 
  • Inspections: Conducted for up to 10 people  from any number of households, excluding the  owners/residents of the property and the real  estate agent. 
  • Accommodation: open, but each group booking  is restricted to:  

o Only members of a single household or  intimate partners; OR  

o Only members of a single household plus  two adults (from any household and any of their  children or dependents. 

o Members of separately booked groups do  not share bedrooms at the facility.  

  • Outdoor tourism spaces: No change. 
  • Indoor tourism spaces: Open, subject to the  restrictions that apply to that specific setting,  and COVIDSafe requirements. 
  • Tour transport:  

o Smaller vehicles (where physical distancing  is not possible): aligned to private gathering  limit of one household plus two people from any  household and their dependents. 

o Larger vehicles (where physical distancing  is possible): up to 10 people from any number  of households, infants under 12 months not  included in cap). 

  • Auctions: 

o Indoors: Subject to density quotient of  1 per 4m2 up to a maximum of 20 people. o Outdoors: Up to 50 people from any  number of households, excluding infants  under 12 months

  • Accommodation: open, restricted to  private gathering cap of 10 people from  any number of  


  • Outdoor tourism spaces: Density quotient  of 1 per 4m2


  • Indoor tourism spaces:  

o Seated: The lesser of 100 people or 25  per cent of seated capacity and subject to  density quo-tient, with 20 per group o Non-seated: 25 per cent of venue  capacity. 

  • Tour transport: aligned to gatherings  limits


Care facilities • Visitor restrictions: 

o Visits only allowed for under specified  

exceptions, limited to either one or two  

people and a 2-hour time limit, depending on  

the exception.  


  • Visitors restrictions: 

o Permit one household to visit a patient in  care facility once per day for 2-hours. 

  • Hairdressers: 

o Permitted to attend to provide hairdressing  service to residents. 




  • Visitors restrictions: 

o Up to 5 people from two households,  no time limits, children allowed, residents  may go out on excursions with household. 

Hospital  visitors 

  • Visitor restrictions: 

o Visits only allowed for under specified  exceptions, limited to either one or two  people and a 2-hour time limit, depending on  the exception. 

o People aged under 16 are excluded  as visitors unless the person is the child,  grandchild or sibling of the patient or the visit  is for end of life support. 

o Partner or nominated person allowed  to visit once per day for a maximum of two  hours.  

  • Visitor restrictions:  

o Allowed one household to visit a patient in  hospital once per day for 2-hours 

o People aged 16 and under no longer  

considered excluded persons. 

o Time limit on partner visiting maternity ward  removed. 

  • No change.

Food processing, food production and industry


Meat, poultry  and seafood  processing 

  • Abattoirs and meat processing: The operator of the facility must reduce  their workforce by 20 per cent or to 25 workers, whichever is higher.  
  • Poultry processing: The operator of the facility must reduce their  workforce by 10 per cent or to 25 workers, whichever is higher. 
  • Seafood processing: The operator of the facility must reduce their  workforce by 20 per cent or to 40 workers, whichever is higher. 
  • All meat, poultry and seafood: COVIDSafe requirements in the Workplace  (Additional Industry Obligations) Directions and the Workplace Directions. 
  • Abattoirs and meat processing: workforce caps removed; all other  requirements remain. 
  • Poultry processing: workforce caps removed; all other requirements  remain. 
  • Seafood processing: workforce caps removed; all other requirements  remain. 

Industry • Manufacturing: COVIDSafe requirements in the Workplace (Additional  Industry Obligations) Directions and the Workplace Directions. 

  • Wholesale facilities: COVIDSafe requirements in the Workplace  

(Additional Industry Obligations) Directions and the Workplace Directions. 

  • Warehousing and distribution centres: COVIDSafe requirements in the  Workplace (Additional Industry Obligations) Directions and the Workplace  Directions. 
  • No change. 


production and  distribution 

  • Supermarket or perishable food work premises that is a chilled  distribution facility: COVIDSafe requirements in the Workplace  (Additional Industry Obligations) Directions and the Workplace  Directions. 
  • Seasonal horticulture: COVIDSafe requirements in the Workplace  (Additional Industry Obligations) Directions and the Workplace  Directions. 
  • No change. 

• Seasonal horticulture: Remove the requirements relating specifically  to workers who live in metropolitan Melbourne or who commute  between the metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria, now that  settings are state-wide.

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What to Look for When Booking an Event Space in Melbourne

Define your event needs early to streamline venue selection and ensure a good fit. Choose a well-located, accessible venue with good transport links and parking. Check for key amenities such as catering, AV equipment, and flexible seating. Pla...

How BIM Software is Transforming Architecture and Engineering

Building Information Modeling (BIM) software has become a cornerstone of modern architecture and engineering practices, revolutionizing how professionals design, collaborate, and execute projects. By enabling more efficient workflows and fostering ...

How 32-Inch Computer Monitors Can Increase Your Workflow

With the near-constant usage of technology around the world today, ergonomics have become crucial in business. Moving to 32 inch computer monitors is perhaps one of the best and most valuable improvements you can possibly implement. This-sized moni...

Top Tips for Finding a Great Florist for Your Sydney Wedding

While the choice of wedding venue does much of the heavy lifting when it comes to wowing guests, decorations are certainly not far behind. They can add a bit of personality and flair to the traditional proceedings, as well as enhancing the venue’s ...

Avant Stone's 2025 Nature's Palette Collection

Avant Stone, a longstanding supplier of quality natural stone in Sydney, introduces the 2025 Nature’s Palette Collection. Curated for architects, designers, and homeowners with discerning tastes, this selection highlights classic and contemporary a...

Professional-Grade Tactical Gear: Why 5.11 Tactical Leads the Field

When you're out in the field, your gear has to perform at the same level as you. In the world of high-quality equipment, 5.11 Tactical has established itself as a standard for professionals who demand dependability. Regardless of whether you’re inv...

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