Benefits of EMS Training in Sports

The business industry is booming, with over $2 billion in Australia, and it comes jam packed with many amazing trends and training methods, however the problem is that most people do not have enough time to appropriately exercise and get the desired results. This is why Electric Muscle Stimulation (EMS) training has seen such an increase in popularity lately. This device helps you get the same muscle stimulus in a much shorter time span. If this new technology seems too complicated, you can rest assured because it isn’t and it literally does the work for you. Here are some of the benefits of EMS training.
Complete muscle recruitments
Muscle is not the only part of our body that gets tired after training, it is actually the system that controls the firing of our muscles, the central nervous system (CNS). It is known that in order to recruit as many muscle fibers as possible it is important to train with near maximal loads, which means that you should be loading anywhere from 70% to 100% of your one repetition max, depending on your fitness goals, in order to activate the fast-twitch muscle fibers. Where going really heavy is best suited for building strength like in powerlifting. In either case however, our bodies and the CNS accumulate fatigue. So, a good alternative to directly activate fast-twitch fibers without excessive fatigue is by implementing EMS in your training. If you happen to be in the area, you definitely have to try EMS training in Melbourne.
Helps in rehabilitation
Since EMS training does not require any mechanical overloading, it is perfectly safe to use in the early phase of a rehabilitation program. For instance, if you injure your left knee, it is a good option to consider using EMS to strengthen the quadriceps and hamstring muscles in order to prevent further injury to the joint. It has been found that following a left knee injury in a weightlifter, EMS current required on the left leg to match the strength between both quadricep muscles was three times higher than normal, however through a seven-week period the current required was nearly identical. So not only is this a great rehabilitation tool but it is also great for monitoring the progress.
Better recovery
Many people think of resting between workouts as a period where you just avoid any sort of physical activity in order to recover properly. However, there is more and more research which suggests that active recovery is actually better. Not only that, but it allows you to recover quickly. EMS is a powerful tool that allows active recovery. Luckily, whenever you find yourself sitting for a long time, that is the ideal opportunity to use EMS in order to keep the muscles lightly active, this is also a great way for improving blood circulation. And the increased circulation is extremely beneficial for supplying the muscle with fresh nutrients, it also helps to minimize cramps and muscle soreness due to acid lactic build up caused by intense training. In addition, this is one of the best tools used in mobilizing the joints, since our joints become stiff when we sit due to placing muscles in weak and lengthened positions such as the hip and glute muscles. Electric muscle stimulation helps you keep your muscles firing even in these scenarios and as a result you will feel looser and more mobile during your next workout.
Correct imbalances
Many athletes face severe muscle imbalances especially if the nature of their sport requires a lot of unilateral movements, this is the case in sports such as golf and baseball. The sheer frequency and volume of swinging the dominant side of the body results in imbalances including your core muscles, arms, shoulders and hips. This is where EMS truly shines because you can correct all of these imbalances by targeting the specific weak points. This is important to understand because you are only as strong as your weakest link.
Stronger pelvic floor and abdomen
Many people struggle to properly activate their pelvic floor muscles, this is especially the case for women after giving birth. These muscles are severely overlooked but they play an important role in bladder and bowel control. By using the global electrostimulation, it is possible to also target this muscle and sustain its contraction.
Toning your muscles doesn’t always have to be an extremely tiring experience, it can be done in a much shorter time using EMS training. This method offers many amazing benefits such as; it recruits a muscle group completely without causing excessive fatigue, helps in rehabilitation, improves your recovery, it can help you balance out your muscles if you frequently perform unilateral movements and it helps you contract and control your pelvic floor muscles.