Pakistan Looks for Political Change and Stability but Nation Suspects Military Intervention
- Written by Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD.

A Nation, its Freedom and Future in Crisis
For long, Pakistan portrays a hybrid political culture – part human and part vulture overwhelmed with traditions of neo-colonialism, elite control, neglectful of people’s care, political change and elite systematic corruption to undermine the national freedom, security and sustainable future. Suspicious and paranoid political elite imply dogmatic scenarios and management concepts to be rich and powerful and to make the poor and vulnerable to obey their commands and lick their boots - the image of being a superior class of elite as British traditions have trained them for futuristic neo-colonial governance. The ruling elite enjoin solid systematic support from former colonial landlords and the military establishment made influential by the British Raj. Even the so called national freedom failed to bury the rituals of the dead past.
National honor and glory lives in the conception of good, not conspiratorial minds. Something evocative and hauntingly familiar about the current protests and imagery of failed political governance emerging across Pakistan. The quest for political change lacks the existence of public institutions to sustain reasoned politics, educated and intelligent leaders and proactive visions for change and adaptability to a critical future-making. A snapshot of critical moment in time and history unfolds dark imagery of political governance and military coups in Pakistan. We, the People of Pakistan lost half of our country (East Pakistan), and India was allowed to occupy Kashmir, and we continued to lose more in socio-economic and political domains because of the dishonesty and failed leadership of Bhuttos, Sharifs and the Generals. These thugs stole billions and billions to own palaces in UK, France and Spain. The Thinking People of New Generation of Pakistanis view the Bhuttos, Zardari, Sharifs and Musharaf - all in one slot – the most corrupt, crime riddled monsters who will never come to terms with reason and honesty to reflect on their own wrongdoings. They never imagined–how the present and future generations will remember them? All were individualistic and egoistic to victimize Pakistan, Islam and the masses. To safeguard Pakistan and its future, there should be NO Military intervention under any circumstances. If so, it will be the death of our national freedom, integrity and future. Pakistani elite are fearful if American political interest and interventions are questioned, Pakistan will lose the IMF funding – unpaid debts - the corruption hub.
The current chaotic culture carries a lingering suspicion of the coming of martial law and some form of military dictatorship in alliance with most corrupt, known thugs and indicted criminals of the recent past. The evidence supports the alliance of defunct Bhuttos, Sharif’s, military generals, MQM and other infamous so called Islamic parties. There is no moral and political accountability for thugs and indicted criminals not to return to the threshold of political power. (Please see more by this author, “Pakistan Imperatives of political Change for a progressive Nation”2019; “Pakistan where Politics and Corruption are the Same” 2014; “Pakistan New Postcard from Hell.” 2014; and “Pakistan-reflections on the Turbulent 69th Independence Day”: 2015; “Pakistan and India’s leaders Mark Freedom from British Raj but Masses look for a Navigational Change.” 8/16/2020. Pakistan has no credible law and justice system of governance and the masses are entrenched in poverty and ignorance of the facts of political exploitation, often they are enforced to believe in traditional authority and wide range scheme of corruption-led system of opportunism as a normal way of Pakistani political life.
US AID and Political Corruption – leading to undermine the National Freedom and Security
Pakistan was defeated by India in 1971 war as a part of conspiracy by ZA Bhutto and General Yahya Khan. Dr. Ishtiaq Qureshi (Editor Urdu Digest) wrote “Skoote –Dahaka Say Purdah Uttha Hey” (1972), in which he described the details how Bhutto and Yahya Khan betrayed Pakistan and stabbed the nation but not held accountable for their crimes. Are the Pakistanis still living in any rational denials of their own chapter of history? (See “British Colonialism and How India and Pakistan Lost Freedom.”Global Ms. Benzair Bhutto and her mother Nusrat Bhutto were alleged to be involved in the killing of General Zia ul Haq and 12 Pakistani Generals and 100 of others in C-130 Bahawalpur plane crash, August 1988 and when became PM, they traded-in lists of Sikh and Kashmiri freedom fighters with Indian PM Rajiv Gandhi (Lahore meeting) and thousands of them were targeted and killed by Indian security forces. Ms. Benazir Bhutto and Asif Zardari were indicted by a Swiss court on $60M money laundering crime but they still returned to political power. Nawaz Sharif hijacked the PIA plane with General Musharraf on board and 265 or so passengers returning from Sri Lanka and wanted it to go to India. He was also involved in money laundering and twice dismissed on corruption charges, still became PM a third time. Sharifs, Ms. Bhutto and Zardari stole several billions of dollars to buy properties in London, Paris and Spain. Pakistanis NEED soul-searching to realize the gravity of political corruption, national security and how the nation continued to flop in a global context.
When the US occupied Afghanistan in 2001, Pakistani Generals according to the NY Times (May 18, 2007), were paid by the US to act on its behalf - abduction and killing of thousands of Pakistanis. America and India had a Strategic Plan to undo Pakistan by capturing its nuclear arsenals and asking for surrender. Was General Musharraf an accomplice to this plan? If not, why a retried US General was stationed at Islamabad to supervise the Pakistan nuclear site? Is the US Aid a vital link to systematic political corruption in Pakistan? Also See “US NATO Agenda-The Destabilization of Pakistan” 04/17/2009 by Professor Michel Chossoudvsky ( US President Trump refused to restore $595M Aid to Pakistani military. Even the US Aid lacked information who consumed the cash and where? Do Pakistanis have a sense of time, history and honesty to determine – who they were and where they are? Progressive nations produce and bring the best and intelligent ones to the role of leadership and responsibility. Rationally arguable was the coming of PM Imran Khan - a hope for the future crushed by political intrigues and force?
PM Imran Khan (PTI) a young person of some moral and intellectual capacity having optimism for political change and future was hurriedly ousted as he could not realize his political weaknesses and strength and the people around him, and failed to hold the corrupt families of Bhuttos, Zardari and Sharfis and General Musharraf to legal accountability. Some of these people were indicted by courts but never served any punishment. One wonders, why Imran Khan did not think of an early election. Khan should have assembled a team of well educated, intelligent and honest young Pakistanis (thousands of them inside and overseas) and should have planned to rebuild public institutions and socio-economic and political integrity across a diverse nation. Sadly, he gathered thumb lickers, incompetent and party yes-men as a governing team. Khan should be held accountable as he wasted almost four years without any acclaimed political change in the country. Although, he did not rob any banks nor killed anybody for personal agenda as did most of the others, he wasted time and opportunities for change and sustainable political governance. It is questionable if Khan could reclaim political power via fair elections. Vengeful and full of jealousy, the military-Sharif’s alliance could conspire to wipe-out Khan to the unknown.
In 2019, this author offered Imran Khan a logical plan for sustainable change (“Pakistan: How to change political culture of corruption and rebuild the future” Media Monitors Network, USA,2019). Most of his associates were uneducated and former loyalists of the current political opposition parties. None of them had any knowledge or experience in critical thinking, strategic planning and change or future-making. Why did Khan waste almost four years in fantasy of New Pakistan and failed to live up to his imagination.
If history is relevant and is seen as a source of learning and warning, undeniably all the contemporary politicians of Pakistan have failed to learn from the catastrophic past. Few single minded Generals appear to be accomplice to support Shahbaz Sharif to purge the public consciousness of true freedom and incapacitate the nation for political change and development. Shahbaz Sharif has no legitimacy as an elected PM. Any such governance is a dead-ended conclusion of time and history. The NEED is urgent for a peaceful political solution for a fair national election at the earliest. Again, the National Assembly was used as a rubber stamp to oust Imran Khan, not an institution for reasoned politics and future-making. The political change can only be imagined by raising voices of REASON to challenge the corrupt systems of neo-colonialism and governance. Bruce Riedel, Brooking Inst, USA (“Battle for the Soul of Pakistan” ) former Obama’s advisor warns: “The changes in Pakistan are unlikely to come peacefully and will have major implications for India and America. The stakes are huge in the most dangerous country in the world.”
The Ideals of National Freedom and How to Move Forward for a Sustainable Future
One wonders, what is the tangible cure to the cruel mindset of the few egoistic authoritarian politicians in Pakistan? Young generations are disillusioned and are increasingly leaving Pakistan to Western countries. The brain-drain problem afflicts Pakistan adversely in socio-economic and political future-making as old and former subservient of British legacy run the country. With new generation migration, Pakistan is fast losing its best talents and energies for the present and future.
At the edge of REASON, the historic Pakistan Freedom Movement must be revisited and young generations should learn about the future. To undo the darkened past and reshape the turbulent present, Pakistan desperately needs new and honest people of educated generation to plan and reconstruct political change. The nation is boxed in by most cruel, incompetent and unproductive politicians. Pakistani ruling elite 632 top civil servants with dual nationalities (Pak Media 2020) cannot be a source of primacy of national interest. Pakistan urgently needs a savior, a person of proactive vision, honesty to pursue a navigational change for future-making; not Shahbaz Sharif, Bhutto or the few Generals. The solution must come from the critical thinking hubs of the new educated generation – the intelligent Pakistanis to facilitate hope and optimism for a sustainable future of the beleaguered nation. You may find it relevant to see: “Pakistan- Leaders or Criminals” Uncommon Thought Journal, USA 2014. Under the present chaotic affairs, a new Government of National Unity should be formed under a non-partisan and nonpolitical leader of moral and intellectual integrity for a period of two years; a New Constitution for a Presidential form of government should be framed with new public institutions under leadership of new generation of educated and honest people; and then a new election could give meaning and clarity to the purpose of democracy and to transform the ideals of a progressive legitimate functional democracy. The Need is desperate for the Pakistani nation to think critically and see the Mirror and stand firm in raising voices of reason for accountability and political change.
Dr. Mahboob A. Khawaja specializes in international affairs-global security, peace and conflict resolution with keen interests in Islamic-Western comparative cultures and civilizations, and author of several publications including the latest: One Humanity and the Remaking of Global Peace, Security and Conflict Resolution. Lambert Academic Publications, Germany, 12/2019.