The Times Australia

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The Times

Election a referendum on “Safe Schools”

  • Written by Gary Kleyn

The July 2 election would be a referendum on whether or not radical gender theory would continue to be forced upon children at school, says the Australian Christian Lobby.

“Bill Shorten and Penny Wong introduced the so-called Safe Schools program in 2013 and any suggestion that they would not continue it in government defies belief,” ACL Managing Director Lyle Shelton said.

“Safe Schools teaches children that their biological gender is simply a social construct and it encourages schools to change their toilet policies so students can use toilet and change facilities of the gender identity they choose.

“It is interesting that Labor’s Education Spokesperson, Kate Ellis, yesterday did not rule out a future Labor Government funding Safe Schools. Parents have a right to know if this will happen,” Mr Shelton said.

“Labor has also vowed to scrap the peoples’ vote on marriage and legislate a new definition within 100 days.

“It would be naïve to think further Commonwealth funding and the promotion of programs like Safe Schools would not follow legislation to make marriage a genderless institution,” Mr Shelton said.

“A Labor win will deny the Australian people the chance to at least have a conversation about whether or not they want to embrace gay and transgender sex education in schools and all of the other consequences that flow from redefining marriage.”

Mr Shelton said both major parties had failed parents by funding the so-called “Safe Schools” program, which encourages teaches not to use the terms “he” or “she”.

While Education Minister Simon Birmingham had pruned the program it still taught children their gender is fluid, with resources like The Gender Fairy story book for four-year-olds telling them “no one can tell you if you are a boy or a girl.”

Mr Shelton said no child should be bullied at school for any reason but Safe Schools, by its author Roz Ward’s own admission, was not an anti-bullying program.

Since the election was called, more than 21,000 people have signed a petition calling on Bill Shorten to give people a say on marriage by supporting the plebiscite.

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