How Enterprise Architecture Can Benefit Organizations

Reduces complications
Complex systems are not easy to manage, and if it’s not easy to manage it won’t do the job as quickly as one would want. With the enterprise architecture framework, this will not be a problem because it was created precisely to combat the systems in organizations that are too complicated. With the right tools, such as BiZZdesign, managing the organizational systems will be a lot more simplified. If an activity or process does not contribute to the organization's objective and just causes complications, enterprise architecture identifies it and stops it.
Standardized processes
Enterprise architecture also aids in standardized processes in organizations. By improving the operational performances, enterprise architecture helps gain additional stability. Standardized processes increase the organization's efficiency while also reducing costs by means of decreased errors and reducing the risks that the organization can come across. The processes and infrastructure of IT can be standardized by enterprise architecture as well, and it can be done quite successfully.
Decreases time that’s been squandered
When enterprise architecture standardizes the tools and processes of IT, they will be fully optimized. This will save the staff in the IT department a lot of time because they no longer will have to detect the source of different problems that can turn into even bigger problems, this will already be done thanks to the enterprise architecture framework, and it’ll be done quicker too. This will then make sure that the valuable time will be put into work that is much more important.
Cost reductions
If an activity or process in the organization has no benefit, enterprise architecture will swiftly put an end to it. Any process where the outcome brings more costs than benefits will have to go. Many resources and money will be saved because of this, and it can be put to better use, such as optimizing the IT department.