Workplace Giving Program

Do you want to make a difference in the world, but don’t have the time or freedom to do it yourself? Workplace Giving Programs (WPG) enable Australian workers to contribute and make a difference to the charity of their choice - all within a simplified pre-tax contribution. Workplace Giving is a stable and recurring form of fundraising that contributes millions of dollars into charity organisations in Australia every year and its popularity continues to rise.
Workplace Giving Australia, a national not for profit organisation developed to encourage and support businesses in establishing programs, believes that this trend will continue to rise because employers view this as an important part of their Corporate Social Responsibility. The organisation focuses their efforts on advocacy within government and industry sectors to educate employers on how to implement a successful program into their workplace.
But it is more than just contributing money - Workplace Giving Programs have shown to improve staff engagement, empathy, motivation and a sense of purpose amongst employees. For employers, implementing a Workplace Giving Program shows commitment to extending the business to embrace organisations in need and to create a culture that is supportive and socially responsible. Increasingly employees are looking at what prospective employers are doing to create social impact and change.
The importance of small regular donations - how you can help
As an individual with responsibilities, your ability to donate may be curtailed by personal expenses, and that is totally understandable. We’re not asking for a life-changing ‘half your savings’ donation. Just a regular one. And it doesn’t have to be big. Like bricklaying, each donation builds on another so with each repetition, it methodically grows. But more importantly it allows your charity to be able to predict and plan their expenses knowing they have a recurring income. This in turn, produces sustainable and consistent social impact.
You can help and support an organisation you are truly passionate about. It also enables you to educate your fellow colleagues on why you support this organisation and how they can also support an organisation of choice. Growing a culture of care in your workplace ensures that you and your co-workers can feel and see the difference they are creating through their program. The more employees who engage in a Workplace Giving Program - the bigger the impact. And if this is a consistent donation - i.e. every payday - then after a year - this can be a major impact. Each personal donation is a drop in a bucket, but a Workplace’s collective donations are a bucket in an ocean.
Adding all the Australian Workplaces together gives us a tidal wave of change.
So your one small regular donation will achieve a world of difference.
How to save tax - donations are pre-tax, reducing your taxable income.
If you are still on the fence about WGP, then this will tip the scales. Tax is calculated on taxable income, by engaging a Workplace Giving Program and giving a donation pre-tax, you reduce your taxable income, thus reducing your tax. Additionally, instead of waiting until the end of the financial year to see how a donation can reduce your tax, a regular Workplace Giving Program enables you to reduce your tax at the time you are paid.
In many Workplace Giving programs, employers match the staff donations, which doubles the total donation to your charity.
Workplace Giving Programs are optional for the employee and are set up by the employer. If an employee wants to engage with the program, they require both their own and their employer’s agreement. An employee is only entitled to receiving a tax deduction from specifically tax-deductible charity organisations. Ensure that you have an open discussion between employer and employees regarding the charity’s cause and whether they are tax-deductible or not.
Giving and receiving is the best kind of charity.
Socially responsible activities create purpose
Working for money is good, working for money and charity is great. Workplaces that have implemented a Workplace Giving Program have reported a boost in productivity. Staff are more engaged with their work and tend to stay longer in the roles, thus reducing the workplace’s staff turnover. Workplace morale is increased due to the workplace’s rising reputation that is associated with regular and repeated charity work.
Employees like having a sense of pride in their workplace and employer. In addition to the tax benefits that employees enjoy from the Workplace Giving Programs, employees that have benefited from these programs are more likely to become long-term advocates for similar implementation of these programs at future workplaces.
Be the business that helps social change happen.
How to set up a WGP with your employer?
Setting up a Workplace Giving Program with your employer can be an uphill battle if they have never heard of it before. Therefore, the easiest way forward is to download a free DIY Guide to Workplace Giving, which would allow you to make a thorough presentation to your employer, about all the benefits and applications associated with the program. This will help you and your employer make a truly successful program, as each step is laid out in a simple and easy to follow format. There are a host of options for both existing staff and new employees to engage in a workplace giving program. And it is a fantastic way to engage the staff as a group to give to an important cause.
If you’re a larger company or franchise, your employer may struggle to meet or engage with every employee. An ideal way to get the message out is to run a campaign to educate staff on how a Workplace Giving Program can make an impact. An internal campaign will give the key concepts and messages to the employees, and a few options that they can opt into or out of, along with the benefits. A number of organisations have workplace giving tips and ideas to keep the engagement high and make this program a long-lasting one.
And the longer it lasts, the more it can help the world.
In Summary, Workplace Giving Programs are easy, cost-effective and fantastic ways to enhance company culture. They also build a foundation of financial support that help keep charities sustainable. Every single donor who gives regularly, provides support to programs that help the most desperate in need.
You can achieve social and societal shifts within yourself and your workplace whilst also supporting a great charity. Bring change into your workplace and watch how it can create an impact in the world around you. So what are you waiting for?