Make Your Home Look and Feel Bigger by Using These 5 Tips
- Written by The Times

Perhaps you've inherited a narrow lot home and are planning to move into it, or maybe you're a recent empty-nester who has downsized into a smaller property and are wondering how to spruce it up. So, whether you live in a small or large home, you need to know how to make it look like there is more room than there is. Take a look at these suggestions:
Use light colours
Dark colours are a no-no since they absorb light and make rooms appear much smaller. So, when painting and decorating your house, you must opt for whites, creams, beiges, and other light hues. Worried that you're making your home look sterile or boring? Don't fret since you can give it colour and character by installing eye-catching decor or even painting a bold accent wall.
Harness the power of mirrors
Mirrors create a sense of openness by bouncing around light and tricking the eye to perceive more space. But don't just hang mirrors willy-nilly; instead, look for ways to maximise the visual effects that mirrors can bring. For instance, instead of buying a regular-sized framed mirror for your bathroom, install a wall-to-wall frameless mirror that will make the area feel much bigger. If you have a window near the corner of a room, position a mirror on the perpendicular wall and find the correct angle so that it will reflect the window and look like another window.
Switch to longer curtains
If your curtains are too short, or if they're hung too low from the ceiling, they can break the visual symmetry of the room and make it appear smaller. Avoid this by buying longer curtains and hanging them as high as possible while ensuring that they're not hovering too far off the floor. Better yet, invest in custom floor-to-ceiling curtains that will add height to the room and make it look airy and spacious.
Replace hinged doors with sliding ones
Hinged doors require more real estate since you can't properly close and open them if there's any item in the way. So, to maximise your space, consider replacing each hinged door in your home with a sliding stacker door. Sliding doors are often recommended for small houses since they take up no extra room, allowing homeowners to arrange their furniture and decor in a more attractive way while still having enough space for foot traffic.
Take advantage of your yard
If you haven't yet done so, find ways to connect your indoor area with your yard. This way, you can expand your living space and make your home feel less confined—without dealing with the cost and hassle of building an additional storey. Start by constructing a patio so you can easily enjoy alfresco meals with your family and relax in the garden whenever you want to. If you have a bigger budget, consider knocking down a portion of a wall and putting glass sliding doors in place. Taking this step will remove the physical and visual barrier between your yard and indoor space and allow you to have a more spacious home.
Just because your house has a small square footage doesn't mean that it has to look and feel that way. By using these tips, you can create more visual space In your property and make it more inviting, elegant, and comfortable!