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An open letter from 1,200 Australian academics on the Djab Wurrung trees

  • Written by The Conversation

In an open letter, more than 1,200 academics from universities and institutes across Australia have written to the Victorian government to protest against the destruction of Djab Wurrung country as part of a highway duplication[1] in the west of the state.

The letter follows the removal of the Directions Tree[2] last week. The signatories listed below are both Indigenous and non-Indigenous.

We are Australian academics* writing to condemn the destruction of the 350 year-old sacred Djab Wurrung Directions Tree[3] at the hands of the Victorian government. We call on the government to urgently halt[4] works and protect the remaining Djab Wurrung trees and land from destruction.

We are historians, geographers, lawyers, criminologists, sociologists, scientists, anthropologists, social workers, linguists, archaeologists, artists, architects, philosophers, psychologists and other academics from universities around Australia. We have come together in our sorrow and anger at the colonial violence currently being perpetrated by the Victorian government against the Djab Wurrung people, and against all First Nations people in Australia.

While all trees hold value, especially in a climate crisis, the Djab Wurrung trees are so much more than “just trees”; they are living entities with significant historical, cultural and spiritual value and meaning. They are part of an important songline[5], and have been physically shaped by hundreds of years of First Nations culture and ceremonial practice.

Read more: Churches have legal rights in Australia. Why not sacred trees?[6]

Take the Directions Tree, for example, which was cut down with a chainsaw[7] last week, and carted away unceremoniously on the back of a dump truck. This massive and strikingly beautiful 350-year-old Yellowbox tree with distinctive swirling bark, had been planted as a seed with the placenta from a Djab Wurrung child’s birth and its branches actively shaped and directed over time.

It would have been difficult to look at this tree — to truly bear witness to it — without forever changing the way one understands trees, our interconnectedness with nature, and the strength, depth, beauty and longevity of First Nations culture.

Consider too, the Birthing Tree, also known as a Grandmother Tree[8], estimated to be 800 years old and currently under imminent threat of destruction. She has a hollow at her base where over 50 generations[9] of Djab Wurrung babies have been born, the fluids from their births merging with the root system and literally becoming part of the tree.

An open letter from 1,200 Australian academics on the Djab Wurrung trees Sean Paris Nearby, and leaning towards it, is the Grandfather Tree, believed to have been planted at the same time and connected via underground root systems. And surrounding them both are hundreds of other significant trees and artefacts, many of which are yet to be formally documented. The Victorian government’s decision to clear this sacred Djab Wurrung land to make way for a particular version of highway re-routing that will save drivers two minutes[10] travel time, is completely unnecessary. It represents the ongoing violence of our colonial state and its contempt for First Nations culture and people. It makes any talk of a Treaty with First Nations Victorians[11] completely disingenuous. We, as academics, therefore condemn the cutting down of the Directions Tree and the planned destruction of further sacred trees and artefacts. We condemn the timing[12] of the destruction, under the cover of ongoing COVID rules, preventing defenders from traveling to the site, and under the cover of media and public focus on Melbourne’s long-awaited easing of lockdown. Read more: What kind of state values a freeway's heritage above the heritage of our oldest living culture?[13] We condemn the Victorian government’s apparent attempts to create doubt[14] about which tree was destroyed and its significance, and to imply agreements with one group[15] of government-recognised stakeholders amounted to respectful consultation. And we condemn the use of police[16] and security[17] to violently evict the peaceful Djab Wurrung Embassy[18], which was established by local elders to protect the site. We urge the Victorian government to take up one of the other options for highway improvements that do not involve further destruction of this significant site, to urgently have these trees recognised as the culturally significant entities they are, and to enable the Djab Wurrung people to continue protecting them for future generations. *The views expressed in this letter are those of the signatories and not their universities or institutions. Professor Aileen Moreton-Robinson, Indigenous Studies, RMIT University Professor Irene Watson, Law, University of SA Professor Bronwyn Fredericks, Education and Health, University of Queensland Dr Vicki L Couzens, Media, RMIT University Dr Gary Foley, History, Victoria University Tiriki Onus, Fine Arts and Music, University of Melbourne Dr Lou Bennett AM, Social and Political Science, University of Melbourne Associate Professor Chelsea Bond, Social Sciences and Health, University of Queensland Alison Whittaker, Law, University of Technology Sydney Amanda Porter, Law, University of Queensland Kim Kruger, Moondani Balluk Academic Centre, Victoria University Professor Bronwyn Carlson, Indigenous Studies, Macquarie University Professor Gregory Phillips, Indigenous Health, Griffith University Professor Peter Anderson, Education, Queensland University of Technology Professor Yin Paradies, Sociology, Deakin University Dr Ali Gumillya Baker, Indigenous and Australian Studies, Flinders University Associate Professor Leesa Watego, Business, Queensland University of Technology Associate Professor Sana Nakata, Political Science, University of Melbourne Associate Professor Sandy O'Sullivan, Indigenous Studies, University of the Sunshine Coast Dr Nikki Moodie, Sociology, University of Melbourne Dr Sharlene Leroy-Dyer, Aboriginal Studies, University of Queensland Dr Anthony McKnight, Education, University of Wollongong Dr Summer May Finlay, Public Health, University of Wollongong Dr Suzi Hutchings, Anthropology, RMIT University Dr Tess Ryan, Leadership and Research Pathways, Australian Catholic University Dr Danièle Hromek, Indigenous Design, Queensland University of Technology Dr Crystal McKinnon, Social and Global Studies, RMIT University Dr Jessa Rogers, Indigenous Studies, Macquarie University Dr Julia Hurst, Aboriginal History, University of Melbourne Aleryk Fricker, Indigenous Education, RMIT University Ashley Perry, Indigenous Culture and Visual Art, University of Melbourne Brett Biles, Indigenous Health, University of NSW Cammi Murrup-Stewart, Aboriginal Wellbeing, Monash University Catherine Doe, Indigenous Studies, RMIT University Charlotte Franks, Indigenous Education, RMIT University Dale Rowland, Psychology, Griffith University Dominique Chen, Indigenous Studies, University of Queensland Eddie Synot, Law, Griffith University Emma Gavin, Indigenous Knowledges, Swinburne University Aileen Marwung Walsh, History, Australian National University Eugenia Flynn, Literary Studies, Queensland University of Technology Holly Charles, Law, RMIT University Jacynta Krakouer, Social Work, University of Melbourne Jason Brailey, Indigenous Education, RMIT University Latoya Rule, Social Work and Social Planning, Flinders University Lewis Brown, Indigenous Education, RMIT University Luke Williams, Science, RMIT University Maddee Clark, Literature, University of Melbourne Michael Colbung, Education, University of Adelaide Mykaela Saunders, Indigenous Studies, University of Sydney Natasha Ward, Indigenous Education and Research, RMIT University Nicole Shanahan, Indigenous Education, RMIT University Robyn Oxley, Criminology, Western Sydney University Stacey Campton, Indigenous Engagement, RMIT University Natalie Ironfield, Criminology, University of Melbourne Neika Lehman, Film and Media, Anthropology, RMIT University Dr Aaron Collins, Medicine, University of Melbourne Aaron Magro, History, University of Melbourne Associate Professor Abby Mellick Lopes, Design, University of Technology Sydney Adam Crowe, Geography, Curtin University Adam Spellicy, Media, RMIT University Dr Adam Starr, Music, Melbourne Polytechnic Associate Professor Adele Wessell, History, Southern Cross University Dr Adrian Farrugia, Sociology, La Trobe University Agata Pukiewicz, Legal Studies, Australian National University Dr Aidan Craney, Anthropology, La Trobe University Ainslee Meredith, Conservation, University of Melbourne Dr Ainslie Meiklejohn, Humanities, Griffith University Aisha Malik, Humanities, University of Sydney Emeritus Professor Alan Rumsey, Anthropology, Australian National University Associate Professor Alana Lentin, Humanities, Western Sydney University Dr Alana Piper, History, University of Technology Sydney Alana West, Sociology, University of Technology Sydney Professor Alex Broom, Sociology, University of Sydney Alex Cain, Philosophy, Monash University Dr Alex Gawronski, Art, University of Sydney Dr Alex Hansford-Smith, Physiotherapy, University of Melbourne Dr Alex Kusmanoff, Conservation, RMIT University Dr Alexandra Crosby, Design, University of Technology Sydney Alexandra Haschek, Psychology, La Trobe University Alexandre da Silva Faustino, Geography, RMIT University Alexia Adhikari, Development, University of Adelaide Alice Bellette, Literature, Deakin University Associate Professor Alice Gaby, Linguistics, Monash University Dr Alice Jones, Ecology, University of Adelaide Alice Wighton, Anthropology, Australian National University Alicia Flynn, Education, University of Melbourne Alisa Yuko Bernhard, Musicology, University of Sydney Alison Burns, International Studies, Deakin University Dr Alison Holland, History, Macquarie University Dr Alison Lullfitz, Ethnobiology, University of WA Dr Alison Peel, Science, Griffith University Alison Winning, Social Science, James Cook University Professor Alison Young, Criminology, University of Melbourne Alissa Flatley, Geography, University of Melbourne Dr Alissa Macoun, Politics, Queensland University of Technology Professor Alistair McCulloch, Education, University of SA Dr Alistair Sisson, Geography, University of NSW Allison Larmour, Politics, University of Sydney Alys Young, Ecology, University of Melbourne Alyssa Choat, Design, University of Technology Sydney Alyssa Sigamoney, Criminology, RMIT University Dr Amal Osman, Health, Flinders University Dr Amanda Coles, Employment Relations, Deakin University Professor Amanda Kearney, Anthropology, Flinders University Dr Amelia Hine, Geography, Queensland University of Technology Dr Amelia Johns, Media, University of Technology Sydney Amélie Scalercio, Fine Arts, Monash University Dr Amie O'Shea, Health, Deakin University Dr Amy Barrow, Law, Macquarie University Dr Amy Carrad, Public Health, University of Wollongong Amy Cleland, Social Science, University of SA Amy Hampson, Neuroscience, University of Melbourne Dr Amy McKernan, Education, University of Melbourne Dr Amy McPherson, Education, Australian Catholic University Dr Amy Prendergast, Geography, University of Melbourne Amy Thomas, Education, University of Technology Sydney Amy-Jo Jory, Art, Swinburne University Dr Ana Maria Ducasse, Languages, RMIT University Ananya Majumdar, Social Science, RMIT University Dr Anastasia Kanjere, Humanities, La Trobe University Dr Anastasia Powell, Criminology, RMIT University Professor Andrea Lamont-Mills, Psychology, University of Southern Queensland Professor Andrea Durbach, Law, University of NSW Associate Professor Andrea Rizzi, Arts, University of Melbourne Associate Professor Andrew Bonnell, History, University of Queensland Dr Andrew Brooks, Humanities, University of NSW Associate Professor Andrew Butt, Urban Planning, RMIT University Dr Andrew Lapworth, Geography, University of NSW Dr Andrew Miller, Art, Flinders University Associate Professor Andrew Murphie, Media, University of NSW Andrew Murray, Architecture, University of Melbourne Professor Andrew Scholey, Psychopharmacology, Swinburne University Andrew Treloar, Art, University of Melbourne Professor Andrew Vallely, Public Health, University of NSW Dr Andrew Whelan, Sociology, University of Wollongong Andy Bates, Design, Queensland University of Technology Dr Andy Kaladelfos, Criminology, University of NSW Andy White, Music, Melbourne Polytechnic Dr Angela Dean, Environment Studies, Queensland University of Technology Associate Professor Angela Kelly-Hanku, Anthropology, University of NSW Angela Kintominas, Law, University of NSW Angela Osborne, Communication, Deakin University Dr Angelika Papadopoulos, Social Work, RMIT University Angus Burns, Psychology, Monash University Ani Landsu-Ward, Social Science, RMIT University Professor Anina Rich, Neuroscience, Macquarie University Dr Anita Trezona, Public Health, Deakin University Associate Professor Anitra Nelson, Social Science, University of Melbourne Anja Dickel, Pharmacy, University of SA Dr Anja Kanngieser, Geography, University of Wollongong Dr Anna Bowring, Public Health, Burnet Institute Anna Dunn, Anthropology, University of Sydney Anna Gross, Resources, University of Newcastle Dr Anna Hermkens, Anthropology, Macquarie University Dr Anna Hopkins, Ecology, Edith Cowan University Anna Krohn, Education, University of Melbourne Anna Loewendahl, Arts, University of Melbourne Anna Nervegna, Architecture, University of Melbourne Anna Tweeddale, Architecture, Queensland University of Technology Dr Anna Willis, Archaeology, James Cook University Dr Annalea Beattie, Writing, RMIT University Dr Anne Décobert, Anthropology, University of Melbourne Dr Anne Elvey, Theology, Monash University Associate Professor Anne Junor, Employment Relations, University of NSW Dr Anne Marie Ross, Education, University of Newcastle Dr Annette Kroen, Urban Planning, RMIT University Dr Annie Delaney, Industrial Relations, RMIT university Dr Annie Gowing, Education, University of Melbourne Associate Professor Anthony Hopkins, Law, Australian National University Dr Anthony Kent, Social Science, RMIT University Associate Professor Anthony Langlois, International Relations, Flinders University Anthony Schulx, Music, Melbourne Polytechnic Anthony Smith, Sociology, University of NSW Antoine Mangion, Education, Australian Catholic University Anwar Hossain, Ecology, University of Melbourne Dr April Reside, Ecology, University of Queensland Arden Haar, Geography, University of Melbourne Dr Arlo Mountford, Arts, RMIT University Dr Ascelin Gordon, Conservation, RMIT University Ash Johnstone, Humanities, University of Wollongong Ashley Barnwell, Sociology, University of Melbourne Ashley Thomson, Anthropology, Australian National University Dr Astrida Neimanis, Cultural Studies, University of Sydney Badrul Hyder, Urban Studies, RMIT University Associate Professor Barbara Kelly, Linguistics, University of Melbourne Dr Barry Morris, Anthropology, Newcastle University Associate Professor Bastien Llamas, Evolutionary Genomics, University of Adelaide Dr Bek Christensen, Ecology, Queensland University of Technology Dr Ben Silverstein, History, Australian National University Associate Professor Ben Spies-Butcher, Sociology, Macquarie University Dr Ben Vezina, Biology, Monash University Dr Benjamin Cooke, Geography, RMIT University Dr Benjamin Habib, International Relations, La Trobe University Dr Benjamin Hegarty, Anthropology, University of Melbourne Bernard Keo, History, Monash University Dr Beth Cardier, Communications, Griffith University Beth Marsden, History, La Trobe University Bethany Kenyon, Social Sciences, RMIT University Bethia Burgess, Criminology, University of Melbourne Dr Betty Luu, Psychology, University of Sydney Dr Bianca Fileborn, Criminology, University of Melbourne Bianca Hennessy, Pacific Studies, Australian National University Professor Billie Giles-Corti, Public Health, RMIT University Associate Professor Bina Fernandez, Development Studies, University of Melbourne Dr Bindi Bennett, Social Work, University of the Sunshine Coast Dr Blair Williams, Political Science, Australian National University Dr Blue Mahy, Education, Monash University Professor Bob Hodge, Communication studies, Western Sydney University Dr Bonny Cassidy, Writing, RMIT University Dr Brian Cuddy, History, Macquarie University Dr Bridget Harris, Criminology, Queensland University of Technology Dr Bridget Lewis, Law, Queensland University of Technology Dr Brigid Magner, Literature, RMIT University Briony Neilson, History, University of Sydney Dr Briony Towers, Psychology, RMIT University Dr Brodie Evans, Social Justice, Queensland University of Technology Bronwyn Ann Sutton, Education, Deakin University Dr Bronwyn Cumbo, Education, Monash University Dr Brooke Wilmsen, Geography, La Trobe University Associate Professor Cai Wilkinson, International Studies, Deakin University Professor Callum Morton, Fine Art, Monash University Cally Mills, Nursing, Australian Catholic University Cameron Coventry, History, Federation University Professor Cameron Tonkinwise, Design, University of Technology Sydney Dr Can Yalcinkaya, Media, Macquarie University Dr Candice Boyd, Geography, University of Melbourne Professor Carey Curtis, Planning, Curtin University Professor Carla Treloar, Social Science, University of NSW Dr Carly Monks, Archaeology, University of WA Carmen Jacques, Anthropology, Edith Cowan University Carol Que, Arts, University of Melbourne Associate Professor Carol Warren, Anthropology, Murdoch University Dr Caroline Mahoney, Education, Deakin University Dr Caroline Wake, Theatre, University of NSW Carolyn D'Cruz, Gender Studies, La Trobe University Dr Carolyn Eskdale, Art, RMIT University Professor Carolyn Whitzman, Urban Planning, University of Melbourne Casey Hosking, Psychology, La Trobe University Cat Macleod, Architecture, Melbourne Polytechnic Professor Catherine Althaus, Public Administration, University of NSW Professor Catherine Greenhill, Mathematics, University of NSW Dr Catherine Hartung, Education, Swinburne University Dr Catherine Innes Clover, Fine Art, Swinburne University Professor Catherine McMahon, Health, Macquarie University Dr Catherine Phillips, Geography, University of Melbourne Catherine Townsend, Architecture, University of Melbourne Catherine Weiss, Philosophy, RMIT University Dr Cayne Layton, Ecology, University of Tasmania Associate Professor Cecily Maller, Geography, RMIT University Dr Chantel Carr, Geography, University of Wollongong Charity Edwards, Architecture, Monash University Associate Professor Charles Livingstone, Public Health, Monash University Dr Charles Robb, Visual Arts, Queensland University of Technology Professor Charles Sowerwine, History, University of Melbourne Charlie Cooper, Psychology, University of Melbourne Charlie Sofo, Visual Art, Monash University Charlotte Day, Art, Monash University Dr Chin Jou, History, University of Sydney Dr Chloe Ward, European Studies, RMIT University Associate Professor Chris Healy, Cultural Studies, University of Melbourne Dr Chris Maylea, Social Work, RMIT University Dr Chris Pam, Anthropology, James Cook University Dr Chris Peers, Education, Monash University Dr Chris Urwin, Archaeology, Monash University Christel Antonites, Humanities, Queensland University of Technology Dr Christina David, Social Work, RMIT University Dr Christine Agius, Politics, Swinburne University Dr Christo Bester, Neuroscience, University of Melbourne Christopher Cordner, Philosophy, University of Melbourne Christopher Hallam, Ecology, University of Melbourne Dr Christopher McCaw, Education, University of Melbourne Associate Professor Christy Newman, Sociology, University of NSW Professor Ciaran O'Faircheallaigh, Politics, Griffith University Dr Ciemon Caballes, Ecology, James Cook University Claire Akhbari, Indigenous Studies, University of Melbourne Dr Claire Loughnan, Criminology, University of Melbourne Dr Claire Nettle, Politics, Flinders University Dr Claire Spivakovsky, Criminology, University of Melbourne Dr Clare Cooper, Design, University of Sydney Associate Professor Clare Corbould, History, Deakin University Dr Clare Land, History, Victoria University Clare Rae, Fine Art, University of Melbourne Dr Clare Southerton, Sociology, University of NSW Dr Clare Weeden, Medicine, University of Melbourne Professor Clare Wright, History, La Trobe University Dr Claudia Marck, Public Health, University of Melbourne Dr Clemence Due, Psychology, University of Adelaide Connor Jolley, Geography, RMIT University Dr Coralie Boulet, Microbiology, La Trobe University Professor Corey Bradshaw, Ecology, Flinders University Dr Corrinne Sullivan, Geography, Western Sydney University Dr Courtney Babb, Urban Planning, Curtin University Dr Courtney Morgans, Ecology, University of Queensland Dr Courtney Pedersen, Visual Arts, Queensland University of Technology Craig Lyons, Geography, University of Wollongong Dr Cristy Clark, Law, University of Canberra Dr Crystal Legacy, Urban Planning, University of Melbourne Dr Cullan Joyce, Philosophy, University of Divinity Dr Cynthia Hunter, Anthropology, University of Sydney Daisy Bailey, History, Monash University Daisy Gibbs, Public Health, University of NSW Dr Dallas Rogers, Urbanism, University of Sydney Associate Professor Damien Cahill, Politics, University of Sydney Dr Dan Golding, Media, Swinburne University Dr Daniel Brennan, Philosophy, Bond University Dr Daniel Lopez, Philosophy, La Trobe University Dr Daniel Ohlsen, Botany, University of Melbourne Professor Daniel Palmer, Art, RMIT University Daniel Reeders, Regulation and Governance, Australian National University Associate Professor Daniel von Sturmer, Fine Art, Monash University Dr Daniella Forster, Education, University of Newcastle Professor Danielle Celermajer, Sociology, University of Sydney Dr Dara Conduit, Politics, Deakin University Professor Darryl Jones, Environmental Science, Griffith University Dr Dave McDonald, Criminology, University of Melbourne Dr David Brophy, History, University of Sydney Professor David Carlin, Writing, RMIT University Dr David Coombs, Public Policy, University of NSW Dr David Hurwood, Ecology, Queensland University of Technology Dr David Kelly, Geography, RMIT University Dr David Pollock, Politics, RMIT University Dr David Ripley, Philosophy, Monash University Dr David Rousell, Education, RMIT University Emeritus Professor David Rowe, Sociology, Western Sydney University Dr David Singh, Sociology, University of Queensland Associate Professor David Slucki, Sociology, Monash University Dr David Smith, Politics, University of Sydney Dr David Spencer, Communication, University of Canberra Associate Professor Dawn Darlaston-Jones, Behavioural Science, University of Notre Dame Dr Deb Batterham, Social Science, Swinburne University of Technology Dr Debbi Long, Anthropology, RMIT University Dr Deborah Apthorp, Psychology, University of New England Dr Deborah Cleland, Governance, Australian National University Deborah Lee-Talbot, History, Deakin University Dr Deborah Moore, Education, Deakin University Dr Debra McDougall, Anthropology, University of Melbourne Declan Martin, Urban Planning, Monash University Professor Deirdre Coleman, English, University of Melbourne Dr Deirdre Hayes, Australian Studies, University of SA Professor Devleena Ghosh, Social Science, University of Technology Sydney Dr Diana Johns, Criminology, University of Melbourne Dr Diana Shahinyan, English, Sydney University Dimity Hawkins, History, Swinburne University Dion Tuckwell, Design, Monash University Dr Dolly Kikon, Anthropology, University of Melbourne Dr Dominic De Nardo, Medicine, Monash University Dr Dominique Moritz, Law, University of the Sunshine Coast Dr Dominique Potvin, Ecology, University of the Sunshine Coast Associate Professor Donna Houston, Geography, Macquarie University Dr Duc Dau, Humanities, University of WA Dr Eden Smith, History, University of Melbourne Dr Eduardo Jordan, Journalism, Griffith University Dr Effie Karageorgos, History, University of Newcastle Dr Elena Benthaus, Humanities, Deakin University Dr Elena Prieto, Education, University of Newcastle Elena Tjandra, Geography, University of Melbourne Dr Elese Dowden, Philosophy, University of Queensland Dr Elise Klein, Public Policy, Australian National University Dr Elizabeth Branigan, Anthropology, La Trobe University Elizabeth Culhane, Philosophy, University of Queensland Elizabeth Duncan, Geography, Sydney University Elizabeth King, English, Macquarie University Dr Elizabeth Orr, Social Work, University of Melbourne Professor Elizabeth Povinelli, Anthropology, Charles Darwin University Dr Elke Emerald, Education, Griffith University Ellen Corrick, Geography, University of Melbourne Elliot Gould, Ecology, University of Melbourne Dr Ellyse Fenton, Politics, University of Queensland Dr Emily Brayshaw, History, University of Technology Sydney Emily Corbett, Gender Studies, La Trobe University Dr Emily Gray, Education, RMIT University Emily McColl-Gausden, Ecology, University of Melbourne Emily Miller, Justice Studies, University of SA Emily Miller, Archaeology, Griffith University Dr Emily O'Gorman, Geography, Macquarie University Associate Professor Emily Potter, Literature, Deakin University Dr Emily Rugel, Epidemiology, University of Sydney Emily Toome, Social Sciences, RMIT University Dr Emily van der Nagel, Communication, Monash University Emma Barnes, Social Science, University of NSW Dr Emma Colvin, Criminology, Charles Sturt University Emma George, Occupational Therapy, University of Adelaide Professor Emma Kowal, Anthropology, Deakin University Dr Emma Rehn, Environmental Science, James Cook University Dr Emma Robertson, History, La Trobe University Dr Emma Russell, Legal Studies, La Trobe University Dr Emma Whatman, Gender Studies, Deakin University Emmalee Ford, Biochemistry, University of Newcastle Emmeline Kildea, Media, RMIT University Dr Emmett Stinson, Literature, Deakin University Epperly Zhang, Translation and Interpreting, RMIT University Dr Erica Millar, Legal Studies, La Trobe University Professor Erik Eklund, History, Federation University Dr Erin Fitz-Henry, Anthropology, University of Melbourne Dr Erin O'Donnell, Law, University of Melbourne Erina McCann, Conservation, University of Melbourne Associate Professor Euan Ritchie, Ecology, Deakin University Associate Professor Eva Alisic, Social Science, University of Melbourne Dr Eve Mayes, Education, Deakin University Dr Eve Vincent, Anthropology, Macquarie University Dr Ewan McDonald, Nursing, La Trobe University Dr Fabian Kong, Epidemiology, University of Melbourne Dr Faith Valencia-Forrester, Education, Griffith University Felicia Jaremus, Education, University of Newcastle Felicity Gray, Governance, Australian National University Associate Professor Felicity Meakins, Linguistics, University of Queensland Fernanda Quilici Mola, Fashion, RMIT University Fernanda Soares, International Relations, RMIT University Dr Fincina Hopgood, Screen Studies, University of New England Dr Fiona Cameron, Heritage studies, Western Sydney University Professor Fiona Haines, Criminology, University of Melbourne Dr Fiona Lee, English, University of Sydney Associate Professor Fiona Miller, Geography, Macquarie University Professor Fiona Paisley, History, Griffith University Professor Fiona Probyn-Rapsey, Humanities, University of Wollongong Fran van Riemsdyk, Fine Art, RMIT University Dr Francesca Dominello, Law, Macquarie University Dr Francis Markham, Geography, Australian National University Dr Freya Higgins-Desbiolles, Tourism, University of SA Freya McLachlan, Justice, Queensland University of Technology Freya Scott, Linguistics, University of Melbourne Gabriel Caluzzi, Public Health, La Trobe University Dr Gabriel da Silva, Engineering, University of Melbourne Gabriela Franich, Criminology, RMIT University Dr Garrity Hill, Sociology, Swinburne University Dr Gemma Hamilton, Criminology, RMIT University Dr Geoff Browne, Urban Planning, University of Melbourne Dr Geoffrey Brown, Humanities, La Trobe University Emeritus Professor Geoffrey Samuel, Anthropology, University of Sydney George Burdon, Geography, University of NSW Dr George Dertadian, Criminology, University of NSW George Hatvani, Social Sciences, Swinburne University Associate Professor George Newhouse, Law, Macquarie University Georgia Carr, Linguistics, University of Sydney Dr Georgia Garrard, Conservation, RMIT University Dr Gerald Roche, Anthropology, La Trobe University Gerard Ryan, Ecology, University of Melbourne Dr Gerlinde Koeglreiter, Information Systems, Australian National University Gerry McLoughlin, eUrbanism, Swinburne University Professor Ghassan Hage, Anthropology, University of Melbourne Dr Gilad Bino, Science, University of NSW Dr Giles Fielke, Art History, University of Melbourne Associate Professor Gillian Kidman, Education, Monash University Professor Gillian Wigglesworth, Linguistics, University of Melbourne Giselle Newton, Sociology, University of NSW Gisselle Vila Benites, Geography, University of Melbourne Dr Giulia Torello-Hill, Languages, University of New England Dr Glenda Mejia, Global Studies, RMIT University Glenn Abblitt, Education, RMIT University Dr Glenn Althor, Environmental Science, Australian National University Dr Graham Fulton, Biology, University of Queensland Associate Professor Grant Hamilton, Ecology, Queensland University of Technology Dr Greg Giannis, Education, La Trobe University Professor Greg Hainge, Languages, University of Queensland Professor Greg Restall, Philosophy, University of Melbourne Guy Webster, Literature, University of Melbourne Dr Hanna Torsh, Linguistics, Macquarie University Dr Hannah McCann, Cultural Studies, University of Melbourne Hannah Reardon-Smith, Music, Griffith University Dr Hannah Robert, Law, La Trobe University Hannah Weeramanthri, Social Work, University of Melbourne Hanne Worsoe, Anthropology, University of Queensland Associate Professor Hans Baer, Anthropology, University of Melbourne Dr Haripriya Rangan, Geography, University of Melbourne Dr Harriette Richards, Cultural Studies, University of Melbourne Harrison Spratling, Education, Deakin University Adjunct Professor Hartmut Fünfgeld, Geography, RMIT University Hayden Moon, Theatre, Sydney University Dr Hayley Henderson, Urban Planning, Australian National University Dr Heather Francis, Neuropsychology, Macquarie University Heather Jarvis, Media, RMIT University Dr Helen Corney, Urban Studies, RMIT University Professor Helen Dickinson, Public Administration, University of NSW Dr Helen Grimmett, Education, Monash University Dr Helen Johnson, Fine Art, Monash University Dr Helen Keane, Sociology, Australian National University Dr Helen Mayfield, Conservation, University of Queensland Dr Helen Ngo, Philosophy, Deakin University Dr Helen Pringle, Politics, University of NSW Helen Rowe, Urban Policy, RMIT University Helen South, Education, Charles Sturt University Helen Taylor, Management, University of Technology Sydney Dr Henk Huijser, Education, Queensland University of Technology Hiranya Anderson, Health, Macquarie University Dr Hoda Afshar, Humanities, University of Melbourne Dr Holly Doel-Mckaway, Law, Macquarie Law School Associate Professor Holly High, Anthropology, University of Sydney Dr Holly Sitters, Ecology, University of Melbourne Holly Smith, Palaeontology, Griffith University Dr Honni van Rijswijk, Law, University of Technology Sydney Dr Hugh Davies, Ecology, Charles Darwin University Professor Hugh Possingham, Ecology, University of Queensland Dr Ibolya Losoncz, Governance, Australian National University Associate Professor Ilana Mushin, Linguistics, University of Queensland Dr Imogen Bell, Mental health, University of Melbourne Imogen Carr, Geography, University of Melbourne Dr Imogen Richards, Criminology, Deakin University Dr Indigo Willing, Sociology, Griffith University Associate Professor Iris Duhn, Education, Monash University Dr Iris Levin, Urban Planning, Swinburne University Isabel Mudford, Sociology, Australian National University Dr Isabel O'Keeffe, Linguistics, University of Sydney Isabella Capezio, Photography, RMIT University Isabella Saunders, Social science, University of NSW Ishita Chatterjee, Architecture, University of Melbourne Ivy Scurr, Anthropology, University of Newcastle Associate Professor Jaap Timmer, Anthropology, Macquarie University Dr Jack Noone, Psychology, University of NSW Jackson Holloway, Philosophy, La Trobe University Jaclyn Hopkins, History, La Trobe University Dr Jacqueline Bradley, Visual Arts, National Art School Dr Jacqueline Gothe, Design, University of Technology Sydney Dr Jacqui Shelton, Fine Art, Monash University Dr Jacquie Tinkler, Education, Charles Sturt University Professor Jago Dodson, Urban Policy, RMIT University Dr Jamee Newland, Health, University of NSW James Barker, Ecology, University of Wollongong James Blackwell, Politics, University of NSW Dr James Bradley, History, University of Melbourne Dr James Cleverley, Cultural Studies, University of Melbourne Dr James Dunk, History, University of Sydney Dr James Findlay, History, University of Sydney Dr James Flexner, Archaeology, University of Sydney Dr James Lesh, Heritage Studies, University of Melbourne Professor James McCaw, Science, University of Melbourne James Meese, Communications, RMIT University Associate Professor James Oliver, Design, RMIT University Dr James Radford, Ecology, La Trobe University James Upjohn, Science, Monash University Dr Jan-Hendrik, Geography, University of Melbourne Dr Jane Carey, History, University of Wollongong Professor Jane Wilkinson, Education, Monash University Associate Professor Janet Hunt, Development Studies, Australian National University Associate Professor Janet Stanley, Interdisciplinary, University of Melbourne Janice Wright, Social Sciences, University of Wollongong Janine Gertz, Sociology, James Cook University Jannett Nieves, Social Studies, RMIT University Dr Jarrod Hore, History, University of NSW Jasmin McAleer, Archaeology, Australian National University Dr Jasmine Westendorf, Politics, La Trobe University Rev/Dr Jason Goroncy, Theology, University of Divinity Javed Anwar, Education, RMIT University Professor Javier Alvarez-Mon, Archaeology, Macquarie University Dr Jay Daniel Thompson, Communications, RMIT University Dr Jaye Early, Art, University of SA Jaye Hayes, Arts Therapy, MIECAT Institute Dr Jayne Rantall, History, La Trobe University Professor Jayne White, Education, RMIT University Dr Jayne Wilkins, Archaeology, Griffith University Dr Jaz Hee-jeong Choi, Design, RMIT University Professor Jeanette Kennett, Philosophy, Macquarie University Jeanine Hourani, Public Health, University of Melbourne Dr Jeannette Walsh, Social work, University of Wollongong Associate Professor Jeannie Rea, Planetary Health, Victoria University Associate Professor Jeff Babon, Biologist, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute Jen Hocking, Midwifery, Australian Catholic University Dr Jen Martin, Science, University of Melbourne Dr Jenna Mead, English, University of WA Jenna Mikus, Creative Industries, Queensland University of Technology Dr Jennifer Audsley, Infectious Diseases, University of Melbourne Associate Professor Jennifer Balint, Criminology, University of Melbourne Associate Professor Jennifer Biddle, Visual Anthropology, University of NSW Dr Jennifer Bleazby, Education, Monash University Jennifer Campbell, Engineering, Griffith University Dr Jennifer Caruso, History, University of Adelaide Dr Jennifer Dowling, Languages, University of Sydney Professor Jennifer Firn, Ecology, Queensland University of Technology Dr Jennifer McConachy, Social Work, University of Melbourne Jennifer Newsome, Musicology, Australian National University Dr Jennifer Seevinck, Design, Queensland University of Technology Dr Jennifer Silcock, Ecology, University of Queensland Jennifer Witheridge, Urban Studies, Swinburne University Dr Jeremiah Brown, Financial Wellbeing, University of NSW Jeremy Eaton, Visual Art, University of Melbourne Jeremy Gay, Social Science, RMIT University Dr Jess Coyle, Indigenous Australian Studies, Charles Sturt University Jess Hardley, Media, Murdoch University Dr Jess Reeves, Environmental Science, Federation University Dr Jessica Birnie-Smith, Linguistics, La Trobe University Dr Jessica Campbell, Speech Pathology, University of Queensland Dr Jessica Edwards, Health, University of Adelaide Dr Jessica Gannaway, Languages, University of Melbourne Dr Jessica Gerrard, Education, University of Melbourne Jessica Gibbs, Archaeology, University of Queensland Dr Jessica Hazel Horton, History, La Trobe University Dr Jessica Kean, Gender Studies, University of Sydney Jessica Lea Dunn, Design, University of Sydney Dr Jessica Manousakis, Neuroscience, Monash University Dr Jessica Megarry, Political Science, University of Melbourne Jessica Priemus, Design, Curtin University Dr Jessica Roberts, Ecology, Monash University Associate Professor Jessica Wilkinson, Creative Writing, RMIT University Dr Jessie Wells, Environmental Science, University of Queensland Jidde Jacobi, Cognitive Sciences, Macquarie University Dr Jill Fielding-Wells, Education, Australian Catholic University Jill Pope, Anthropology, University of Melbourne Dr Jill Vaughan, Linguistics, University of Melbourne Dr Jillian Healy, Biological Science, Deakin University Dr Jing Qi, Education, RMIT University Jo Grant, Medical Anthropology, University of Newcastle Dr Joanna Cruickshank, History, Deakin University Dr Joanna Kyriakakis, Law, Monash University Dr Joanne Dawson, Astronomy, Macquarie University Dr Joanne Faulkner, Cultural Studies, Macquarie University Dr Joanne Quick, Languages, Deakin University Dr Joanne Watson, Disability and Inclusion, Deakin University Jocelyn Bosse, Law, University of Queensland Dr Jodi McAlister, Writing, Deakin University Dr Joe Fontaine, Environmental Science, Murdoch University Dr Joe Hurley, Urban Planning, RMIT University Joe MacFarlane, Criminology, RMIT University Dr Joel Barnes, History, University of Technology Sydney Dr John Cox, Anthropology, La Trobe University John Cumming, Creative Arts, Deakin University Professor John Frow, English, University of Sydney Professor John Langmore, Politics, University of Melbourne Professor John Sinclair, Sociology, University of Melbourne Dr John Taylor, Anthropology, La Trobe University Professor Jon Barnett, Geography, University of Melbourne Dr Jon Roffe, Philosophy, Melbourne School of Continental Philosophy Jonas Ropponen, Fine Art, Monash University Dr Jonathan Dimond, Arts, Melbourne Polytechnic Dr Jonathan Symons, Politics, Macquarie University Dr Joni Meenagh, Criminology, RMIT University Jordan Hinton, Psychology, Australian Catholic University Dr Jordana Silverstein, History, La Trobe University Professor Joseph Pugliese, Cultural Studies, Macquarie University Dr Josephine Browne, Sociology, Griffith University Joshua Badge, Philosophy, Deakin University Joshua Hernandez, Philosophy, La Trobe University Joshua Hodges, Ecology, Charles Sturt University Dr Jovana Mastilovic, Law, Griffith University Judy Annear, Art History, University of Melbourne Dr Judy Bush, Urban Planning, University of Melbourne Dr Judy Taylor, Health, James Cook University Dr Julia Dehm, Law, La Trobe University Julia Hartelius, International Studies, RMIT University Julia Lane, Cultural Studies, Edith Cowan University Julian Aubrey Smith, Fine Arts, RMIT University Julian McKinlay King, Political Science, University of Wollongong Dr Julie Dean, Health, University of Queensland Professor Julie Fitness, Psychology, Macquarie University Dr Julie Healer, Science, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute Dr Julie Kimber, Politics, Swinburne University of Technology Dr Julie Moreau, Biology, Monash University Associate Professor Julie Rudner, Community Development, La Trobe University Juliet Gunning, Performing Arts, Swinburne University Associate Professor Juliet Rogers, Criminology, University of Melbourne Dr Jumana Bayeh, Arts, Macquarie University Dr June Rubis, Geography, University of Sydney Justin McCulloch, Geography, University of SA Dr Justine Shih Pearson, Literature, University of Sydney Jutta Beher, Ecology, University of Melbourne Kai Tanter, Philosophy, University of Melbourne Professor Kama Maclean, History, University of NSW Professor Kane Race, Humanities, University of Sydney Kara Sandri, Social Science, RMIT University Karen Carlisle, Health, James Cook University Dr Karen Cheer, Health, James Cook University Dr Karen Crawley, Law, Griffith University Associate Professor Karen Jones, Philosophy, University of Melbourne Dr Karen Marangio, Education, Monash University Professor Karen Trimmer, Education, University of Southern Queensland Dr Kari Lancaster, Social Science, University of NSW Karly Cini, Health, University of Melbourne Dr Kassel Hingee, Statistics, Australian National University Kate Barber, Art, Monash University Kate Brody, Medicine, University of Melbourne Kate Clark, Cultural Studies, Monash University Dr Kate Davison, History, University of Melbourne Dr Kate Dooley, Political science, University of Melbourne Dr Kate Helmstedt, Mathematics, Queensland University of Technology Dr Kate Howell, Food Systems, University of Melbourne Kate Hume, Environmental Sciences, University of Melbourne Dr Kate Johnston-Ataata, Sociology, RMIT University Dr Kate Just, Art, University of Melbourne Dr Kate O'Connor, Education, La Trobe University Professor Kate Sweetapple, Design, University of Technology Sydney Associate Professor Kate Thompson, Education, Queensland University of Technology Kate Toone, Social work, Flinders University Dr Kate Young, Public Health, Queensland University of Technology Katerina Kokkinos-Kennedy, Performing Arts, University of Melbourne Associate Professor Katerina Teaiwa, Pacific Studies, Australian National University Professor Kath Gelber, Political Science, University of Queensland Katherine Berthon, Ecology, RMIT University Dr Katherine Curchin, Public Policy, Australian National University Associate Professor Katherine Ellinghaus, History, La Trobe University Dr Katherine Giljohann, Science, University of Melbourne Professor Katherine Johnson, Community Psychology, RMIT University Dr Kathleen Aikens, Education, Monash University Dr Kathleen Flanagan, Sociology, University of Tasmania Dr Kathleen Neal, History, Monash University Kathleen Pleasants, Education, La Trobe University Kathleen Smithers, Education, University of Newcastle Dr Kathleen Tait, Education, Macquarie University Dr Kathryn Coleman, Visual Art, University of Melbourne Kathryn Knights, Ecology, University of Melbourne Dr Kathryn Reardon-Smith, Ecology, University of Southern Queensland Dr Kathryn Sellick, Social Work, University of Melbourne Professor Kathryn Williams, Psychology, University of Melbourne Professor Kathy Bowrey, Law, University of NSW Associate Professor Katie Barclay, History, University of Adelaide Professor Katie Holmes, History, La Trobe University Dr Katie O'Bryan, Law, Monash University Dr Katie Woolaston, Law, Queensland University of Technology Katitza Marinkovic, Health, University of Melbourne Katrin Koenning, Visual Art, RMIT University Dr Katrina Raynor, Urban Planning, University of Melbourne Kavita Gonsalves, Urban Studies, Queensland University of Technology Dr Kaya Barry, Geography, Griffith University Keagan Ó Guaire, Social Science, University of Melbourne Associate Professor Keely Macarow, Art, RMIT University Dr Keith Armstrong, Visual Arts, Queensland University of Technology Dr Kelly Donati, Food studies, William Angliss Institute Dr Kelly Gardiner, English, La Trobe University Dr Kelly Hussey-Smith, Art, RMIT University Dr Kelsie Long, Palaeoenvironments, Australian National University Dr Kerrie Saville, Management, Deakin University Dr Kerryn Drysdale, Health, University of NSW Dr Kevin Lowe, Education, University of NSW Kia Zand, Art, University of Melbourne Kieran Stevenson, Writing, Deakin University Dr Kim Davies, Education, Deakin University Kim Newman, Archaeology, Griffith University Kimberley de la Motte, Science, University of Queensland Dr Kirrily Jordan, Politics, Australian National University Dr Kirsten Small, Health, Griffith University Kirstin Kreyscher, Humanities, Deakin University Kirsty Howey, Cultural Studies, University of Sydney Kris Vine, Health, James Cook University Dr Kristal Cain, Biology, Australian National University Kristen Bell, Urban Planning, RMIT University Kristina Tsoulis-Reay, Fine Art, Monash University Associate Professor Kurt Iveson, Geography, University of Sydney Dr Kyle Harvey, History, University of Tasmania Associate Professor Kym Rae, Indigenous Health, University of Queensland Kymberly Louise, Disability Studies, Flinders University Dr Lana Hartwig, Geography, Griffith University Lanie Stockman, Social Policy, RMIT University Dr Lara Palombo, Cultural Studies, Macquarie University Dr Laresa Kosloff, Art, RMIT University Larissa Fogden, Social Work, University of Melbourne Dr Larissa Sandy, Criminology, RMIT University Dr Laura Alfrey, Education, Monash University Dr Laura Henderson, Cultural Studies, University of Melbourne Dr Lauren Gawne, Linguistics, La Trobe University Lauren Gower, Fine Art, University of Melbourne Dr Lauren Istvandity, Cultural Studies, University of the Sunshine Coast Dr Lauren Pikó, History, University of Melbourne Dr Leah Barclay, Design, University of the Sunshine Coast Dr Leah Lui-Chivizhe, History, University of Sydney Dr Leah Williams Veazey, Sociology, University of Sydney Dr Leanne Morrison, Accounting, RMIT University Lee Valentine, Health, University of Melbourne Dr Lenise Prater, Literary Studies, Monash University Lenka Thompson, Social Science, University of Technology Sydney Leonetta Leopardi, Linguistics, University of Melbourne Dr Leonie Brialey, Creative Writing, University of Melbourne Professor Lesley Head, Geography, University of Melbourne Professor Lesley Hughes, Ecology, Macquarie University Professor Lesley Stirling, Linguistics, University of Melbourne Dr Leslie Eastman, Fine Art, RMIT University Dr Leslie Roberson, Conservation, University of Queensland Letitia Robertson, Finance, University of Southern Queensland Dr Lew Zipin, Education, Victoria University Dr Liam Ward, Media, RMIT University Dr Libby Kruse, Medical Biology, University of Melbourne Professor Libby Porter, Urban Planning, RMIT University Dr Ligia Lopez Lopez, Education, University of Melbourne Dr Lila Moosad, Public Health, University of Melbourne Lina Koleilat, Ethnography, Australian National University Lindall Kidd, Ecology, RMIT University Dr Lindy Orthia, Science Communication, Australian National University Dr Lisa Carson, Politics, University of NSW Lisa de Kleyn, Social Science, RMIT University Dr Lisa Hunter, Education, Monash University Lisa Siegel, Education, Southern Cross University Lisa Theiler, Anthropology, La Trobe University Dr Lisa Vallely, Public Health, University of NSW Associate Professor Lisa Wynn, Anthropology, Macquarie University Dr Liz Barber, Public Health, University of SA Dr Liz Brogden, Architecture, Queensland University of Technology Associate Professor Liz Conor, History, La Trobe University Liz Dearn, Mental Health, RMIT University Liz McGrath, Social Work, RMIT University Dr Lizzil Gay, Media, RMIT University Dr Llewellyn Wishart, Education, Deakin University Dr Lloyd White, Anatomy, La Trobe University Dr Lobna Yassine, Social Work, Australian Catholic University Professor Lorana Bartels, Criminology, Australian National University Loretta Bellato, Social Sciences, Swinburne University Dr Lorna Peters, Psychology, Macquarie University Dr Louisa Willoughby, Linguistics, Monash University Professor Louise D'Arcens, English, Macquarie University Dr Louise Dorignon, Geography, RMIT University Louise Weaver, Fine Art, RMIT University Lu Lin, Cultural Studies, RMIT University Luara Karlson, English, University of Melbourne Dr Luci Pangrazio, Education, Deakin University Lucinda Strahan, Writing, RMIT University Dr Lucy Buzacott, Arts, University of Melbourne Dr Lucy Gunn, Urban Studies, RMIT University Associate Professor Lucy Nicholas, Sociology, Western Sydney University Dr Lucy Van, Literature, University of Melbourne Dr Luigi Gussago, Languages, La Trobe University Professor Luke McNamara, Law, University of NSW Luke Stafford, Biology, La Trobe University Lydia Pearson, Fashion, Queensland University of Technology Lyndall Murray, Cognitive Science, Macquarie University Professor Lyndsey Nickels, Cognitive Science, Macquarie University Dr Lyrian Daniel, Architecture, University of Adelaide Madeline Dans, Biomedics, Burnet Institute Dr Madeline Mitchell, Plant Sciences, RMIT University Madeline Taylor, Design, University of Melbourne Dr Maia Gunn Watkinson, Cultural Studies, University of NSW Dr Maia Raymundo, Ecology, James Cook University Dr Mandy Truong, Public Health, Monash University Dr Marc Mierowsky, English, University of Melbourne Dr Marc Pruyn, Education, Monash University Dr Marcelo Svirsky, Politics, University of Wollongong Marco Gutierrez, Environmental Policy, RMIT University Dr Marcus Banks, Economics, RMIT University Professor Marcus Foth, Design, Queensland University of Technology Dr Maree Pardy, International Studies, Deakin University Margareta Windisch, Social Work, RMIT University Dr Margot Ford, Education, University of Newcastle Dr Maria Giannacopoulos, Law, Flinders University Dr Maria Karidakis, Linguistics, The University Of Melbourne Maria Korochkina, Cognitive Science, Macquarie University Dr Mariana Dias Baptista, Forest Science, RMIT University Professor Marie Brennan, Education, University of SA Dr Mariko Smith, Museum Studies, University of Sydney Marita McGuirk, Ecologist, University of Melbourne Dr Mark Bahnisch, Sociology, International College of Management Associate Professor Mark Kelly, Philosophy, Western Sydney University Mark Parfitt, Humanities, Curtin University Dr Mark Shorter, Fine Arts, University of Melbourne Dr Markela Panegyres, Visual Arts, University of Sydney Dr Marnee Watkins, Education, University of Melbourne Dr Marnie Badham, Creative Arts, RMIT University Dr Martin Breed, Ecology, Flinders University Associate Professor Martin Porr, Archaeology, University of WA Professor Mary Lou Rasmussen, Sociology, Australian National University Dr Mary Tomsic, History, Australian Catholic University Dr Mathew Abbott, Philosophy, Federation University Matt Novacevski, Planning, University of Melbourne Dr Matthew Champion, History, Australian Catholic University Professor Matthew Fitzpatrick, History, Flinders University Dr Matthew Harrison, Education, Melbourne Graduate School of Education Matthew Mitchell, Criminology, University of Melbourne Dr Matthew Selinske, Conservation, RMIT University Dr Max Kaiser, History, University of Melbourne Dr Meagan Dewar, Biology, Federation University Dr Meagan Tyler, Industrial Relations, RMIT University Professor Meaghan Morris, Cultural Studies, University of Sydney Dr Meera Varadharajan, Education, University of NSW Dr Meg Foster, History, University of NSW Dr Megan Evans, Environmental Policy, University of NSW Dr Megan Good, Ecology, University of Melbourne Dr Megan McPherson, Creative Arts, University of Melbourne Megan Tighe, Politics, University of Tasmania Dr Megan Weier, Social Policy, University of NSW Mel Campbell, Media, University of Melbourne Melanie Ashe, Media, Monash University Dr Melanie Baak, Education, University of SA Dr Melanie Davern, Public Health, RMIT University Dr Melinda Mann, Education, Central Queensland University Dr Melissa Hardie, English, University of Sydney Professor Melissa Haswell, Health, University of Sydney Melissa Laing, Social work, RMIT University Dr Melissa Lovell, Political Science, Australian National University Dr Melissa Neave, Urban Planning, RMIT University Associate Professor Melissa Norberg, Psychology, Macquarie University Dr Melissa Wolfe, Education, Monash University Mercedes Zanker, Philosophy, La Trobe University Dr Meredith Turnbull, Fine Art, Monash University Dr Mia Martin Hobbs, History, University of Melbourne Dr Micaela Pattison, History, University of Sydney Dr Micaela Sahhar, Palestine Studies, University of Melbourne Michael Bojkowski, Communications, RMIT University Dr Michael Callaghan, Ethics, Deakin University Professor Michael Gard, Human Movement, University of Queensland Dr Michael Griffiths, English, University of Wollongong Michael Julian, Indigenous Arts, University of Melbourne Professor Michael McCarthy, Ecology, University of Melbourne Michael McNally, Education, University of Queensland Michael Pearson, History, Australian Catholic University Dr Michael Richardson, Cultural Studies, University of NSW Dr Michael Savic, Sociology, Monash University Professor Michael Stumpf, Biology, University of Melbourne Dr Michal Glikson, Visual Arts, Charles Darwin University Michel Gerencir, Visual Language, Griffith Film School Professor Michele Acuto, Politics, University of Melbourne Associate Professor Michele Ruyters, Legal Studies, RMIT University Professor Michelle Arrow, History, Macquarie University Dr Michelle Carmody, Latin American Studies, University of Melbourne Dr Michelle Langley, Archaeology, Griffith University Dr Michelle Ludecke, Education, Monash University Dr Michelle Redman-MacLaren, Public Health, James Cook University Michelle Toy, Law, University of Technology Sydney Professor Miguel Vatter, Politics, Flinders University Dr Mike Jones, History, Australian National University Dr Millicent Churcher, Philosophy, University of Sydney Associate Professor Miranda Forsyth, Law, Australian National University Dr Miranda Smith, Infectious Diseases, University of Melbourne Dr Miri Forbes, Psychology, Macquarie University Mittul Vahanvati, Urban Planning, RMIT University Dr Moira Williams, Biology, University of Sydney Dr Monica Barratt, Social Sciences, RMIT University Dr Monica Behrend, Research Education, University of SA Dr Monica Campo, Sociology, University of Melbourne Monica Sestito, Italian Studies, University of Melbourne Dr Monika Barthwal-Datta, International Relations, University of NSW Monique Moffa, Criminology, RMIT University Dr Morgan Harrington, Anthropology, Australian National University Dr Morgan Tear, Psychology, Monash University Morganna Magee, Design, Swinburne University Muhammad Ali, Education, University of Queensland Dr Nadia Rhook, Indigenous Studies, University of WA Nahum McLean, Design, University of Technology Sydney Naimah Talib, Geography, University of Melbourne Professor Nan Seuffert, Law, University of Wollongong Dr Naomi Indigp, Science, University of Queensland Dr Naomi Parry, History, University of Tasmania Dr Natalie Hendry, Media, RMIT University Dr Natalie Osborne, Geography, Griffith University Dr Natalya Turkina, Business, RMIT University Natasha Cadenhead, Conservation, University of Melbourne Natasha Heenan, Politics, University of Sydney Dr Natasha Pauli, Geography, University of WA Natasha Ufer, Ecology, University of Queensland Dr Nathalie Butt, Ecology, University of Queensland Nathan Pittman, Urban Planning, University of Melbourne Dr Neil Maclean, Anthropology, University of Sydney Nicholas Carson, Sociology, RMIT University Dr Nicholas Hill, Sociology, RMIT University Dr Nicholas Mangan, Fine Art, Monash University Nicholas Ross, Politics, Australian National University Dr Nicholas Tochka, Music, University of Melbourne Dr Nick Brancazio, Philosophy, University of Wollongong Dr Nick Kelly, Design, Queensland University of Technology Dr Nick Schultz, Ecology, Federation University Associate Professor Nick Thieberger, Linguistics, University of Melbourne Dr Nicky Dulfer, Education, University of Melbourne Dr Nicola Carr, Education, RMIT University Associate Professor Nicola Henry, Social Sciences, RMIT University Nicola Laurent, Archives, University of Melbourne Nicole Davis, History, University of Melbourne Professor Nicole Gurran, Urban Planning, University of Sydney Associate Professor Nicole Rogers, Law, Southern Cross University Dr Nikita Vanderbyl, Indigenous Studies, University of Melbourne Professor Nikos Papastergiadis, Media, University of Melbourne Dr Nikos Thomacos, Psychology, Monash University Dr Nilmini Fernando, Sociology, Griffith University Dr Nina Williams, Geography, University of NSW Dr Niro Kandasamy, History, University of Melbourne Olivia Price, Public Health, University of NSW Dr Olwyn Stewart, Philosophy, University of Auckland Dr Orana Sandri, Environmental Studies, RMIT University Padraic Gibson, History, University of Technology Sydney Pamela Buena, Education, University of NSW Paris Hadfield, Geography, University of Melbourne Pashew Nuri, Education, Monash University Emeritus Professor Patricia Grimshaw, History, University of Melbourne Dr Patrick Kelly, Media, RMIT University Dr Paul Munro, Geography, University of NSW Professor Paul Patton, Philosophy, Flinders University Professor Paul Tacon, Archaeology, Griffith University Dr Paula Satizabal, Geography, University of Melbourne Dr Payal Bal, Ecology, University of Melbourne Dr Peta Malins, Criminology, RMIT University Peta Phelan, Health, University of Melbourne Dr Peta White, Education, Deakin University Dr Peter Balint, Politics, University of NSW Dr Peter Chambers, Criminology, RMIT University Associate Professor Peter Christoff, Geography, University of Melbourne Associate Professor Peter Ellis, Fine Art, RMIT University Peter Hogg, Architecture, Melbourne Polytechnic Professor Peter Marius Veth, Archaeology, University of WA Professor Peter Otto, Literary Studies, University of Melbourne Dr Philippa Chandler, Geography, University of Melbourne Dr Phillipa Bellemore, Sociology, Macquarie University Dr Phoebe Everingham, Geography, University of Newcastle Dr Phoebe Smithies, Physiotherapy, University of Melbourne Pia Treichel, Geography, University of Melbourne Pip Henderson, Public Health, Flinders University Dr Piper Rodd, History, Deakin University Polly Bennett, Sociology, Deakin University Dr Poppy de Souza, Media, University of NSW Dr Prashanti Mayfield, Geography, RMIT University Priya Kunjan, Politics, University of Melbourne Dr Quah Ee Ling Sharon, Sociology, University of Wollongong Dr Rachael Burgin, Criminology, Swinburne University Dr Rachael Dwyer, Education, University of the Sunshine Coast Rachael Fernald, Social Work, RMIT University Dr Rachel Buchanan, Education, University of Newcastle Dr Rachel Burke, Linguistics, University of Newcastle Dr Rachel Busbridge, Sociology, Australian Catholic University Dr Rachel Chapman, Education, Melbourne Polytechnic Dr Rachel Deacon, Health, University of Sydney Rachel England, Environmental Studies, Australian National University Dr Rachel Forgasz, Education, Monash University Associate Professor Rachel Heath, Psychology, University of Newcastle Rachel Iampolski, Geography, RMIT University Dr Rachel Joy, Criminology, Australian College of Applied Psychology Dr Rachel Loney-Howes, Criminology, University of Wollongong Professor Rachel Nordlinger, Linguistics, University of Melbourne Dr Rachel Thompson, Public Health, University of Sydney Dr Rachel Toovey, Physiotherapy, University of Melbourne Rachele Gore, Microbiology, RMIT University Dr Radha O’Meara, Creative Writing, University of Melbourne Radha Pathy, Psychology, Macquarie University Associate Professor Raimondo Bruno, Psychology, University of Tasmania Dr Randa Abdel-Fattah, Sociology, Macquarie University Dr Rea Saunders, Indigenous Studies, University of Queensland Dr Rebecca Ananian-Welsh, Law, University of Queensland Rebecca Clements, Urban Planning, University of Melbourne Dr Rebecca Colvin, Social Science, Australian National University Dr Rebecca Defina, Linguistics, University of Melbourne Rebecca Hiscock, Criminology, RMIT University Dr Rebecca Olive, Cultural Studies, University of Queensland Dr Rebecca Runting, Geography, University of Melbourne Dr Rebecca Wheatley, Ecology, University of Tasmania Dr Renae Fomiatti, Sociology, La Trobe University Renee Cosgrave, Fine Art, Monash University Dr Rhian Morgan, Anthropology, James Cook University Dr Riccarda Peters, Neuroscience, University of Melbourne Associate Professor Richard McDermid, Science, Macquarie University Rifaie Tammas, Politics, University of Sydney Dr Rimi Khan, Cultural Studies, RMIT University Ritika Skand Vohra, Fashion, RMIT University Professor Rob Moodie, Public Health, University of Melbourne Dr Robert Boncardo, European Studies, University of Sydney Associate Professor Robert Parkes, Education, University of Newcastle Robert Polglase, Urban Studies, RMIT University Dr Robin Bellingham, Education, Deakin University Dr Robin Torrence, Archaeology, Australian Museum Dr Robyn Babaeff, Education, Monash University Robyn Boldy, Environmental Science, University of Queensland Dr Robyn Schofield, Environmental Science, University of Melbourne Dr Robyn Williams, Indigenous Health, Charles Sturt University Dr Roger Alsop, Arts, University of Melbourne Romana Begicevic, Health, Curtin University Dr Ronnie Scott, Writing, RMIT University Rosalie Willacy, Conservation, University of Queensland Rose Macaulay, Psychology, University of Melbourne Rosemary Gilby, Education, Monash University Dr Rosey Billington, Linguistics, University of Melbourne Roshan Sharma, Conservation, RMIT University Rosie Joy Barron, Education, University of Melbourne Dr Rosie Welch, Education, Monash University Professor Rosita Henry, Anthropology, James Cook University Rowena Booth, Education, RMIT University Associate Professor Rowena Maguire, Environmental Law, Queensland University of Technology Emeritus Professor Russell Meares, Psychiatry, University of Sydney Dr Russell Richards, Systems Modelling, University of Queensland Dr Ruth De Souza, Nursing, RMIT University Dr Ruth Ford, History, La Trobe University Dr Ruth Gamble, History, La Trobe University Dr Ruth Morgan, History, Australian National University Dr Ruth Richards, Feminist Theory, RMIT University Dr Ryan Al-Natour, Teacher Education, Charles Sturt University Dr Ryan Frazer, Indigenous Studies, Macquarie University Dr Ryan Gustafsson, Philosophy, University of Melbourne Sab D'Souza, Visual Arts, University of Technology Sydney Sabrina Nemorin, Health, RMIT University Dr Sadhbh Byrne, Psychology, University of Melbourne Dr Sahar Ghumkhor, Criminology, University of Melbourne Dr Sal Clark, International Relations, Swinburne University Dr Sally Baker, Education, University of NSW Sally Olds, Creative Writing, University of Melbourne Associate Professor Sally Treloyn, Ethnomusicology, University of Melbourne Dr Sam Schulzq, Education, Federation University Associate Professor Samantha Ashby, Occupational Therapy, University of Newcastle Dr Samantha Balaton-Chrimes, Politics, Deakin University Samantha Bennett, Education, RMIT University Samantha Colledge, Public Health, University of NSW Samantha Mannix, Public Health, University of Melbourne Dr Samantha McMahon, Education, University of Sydney Sancintya Simpson, Fine Art, Griffith University Associate Professor Sandie Suchet-Pearson, Geography, Macquarie University Dr Sandra D'Urso, Theatre and Performance Studies, University of Melbourne Sandra Penman, Forest Science, University of Melbourne Associate Professor Sango Mahanty, Geography, Australian National University Sara Fuller, Geography, Macquarie University Associate Professor Sara Motta, Politics, University of Newcastle Professor Sarah Bekessy, Ecology, RMIT University Sarah Callahan, Gender Studies, Swinburne University Dr Sarah Casey, Communication, University of the Sunshine Coast Sarah Gurr, Education, University of Newcastle Dr Sarah Holcombe, Anthropology, University of Queensland Sarah Jane Jones, Communications, University of Technology Sydney Professor Sarah Larkins, Health, James Cook University Dr Sarah MacLean, Sociology, La Trobe University Professor Sarah Maddison, Politics, University of Melbourne Sarah McColl-Gausden, Ecology, University of Melbourne Sarah McCook, Gender Studies, RMIT University Dr Sarah Milne, Human Geography, Australian National University Dr Sarah Pinto, History, Deakin University Sarah Robertson, Geography, RMIT University Dr Sarah Young, Education, University of Melbourne Dr Sascha Fuller, Anthropology, University of Newcastle Scheherazade Bloul, Politics, Deakin University Scott Lyon, Communications, Swinburne University Dr Scott Webster, Cultural Studies, Sydney University Dr Seán Kerins, Politics, Australian National University Dr Sean Lowry, Art, University of Melbourne Dr Sebastian Cordoba, Social Work, RMIT University Dr Serene Ho, Land Administration, RMIT University Sertan Saral, Gender Studies, University of Sydney Shaez Mortimer, Criminology, RMIT University Dr Shakira Hussein, Sociology, University of Melbourne Dr Shannon Woodcock, Indigenous Education, RMIT University Dr Sharon Andrews, Public Policy, RMIT University Dr Sharon Cooper, Education, University of Newcastle Sharon Reid, Environmental Science, Federation University Sharon Simon, Criminology, RMIT University Shaunagh O’Sullivan, Mental Health, University of Melbourne Dr Shayne beaver, Design, Queensland University of Technology Associate Professor Shelley Marshall, Law, RMIT University Shelly McGrath, Indigenous Studies, University of Newcastle Dr Sherridan Emery, Education, University of Tasmania Shirley Clifton, Education, University of Newcastle Dr Sianan Healy, History, La Trobe University Associate Professor Sigi Jottkandt, English, University of NSW Professor Simon Batterbury, Environmental Studies, University of Melbourne Simon Christie, Linguistics, University of Melbourne Simona Castricum, Architecture, University of Melbourne Dr Simone Louwhoff, Conservation, Federation University Dr Simone Schmidt, Mental Health, University of Melbourne Simone Sherriff, Public Health, University of Sydney Siobhán Costigan, Communications, University of Technology Sydney Dr Siobhan Irving, Anthropology, Macquarie University Dr Siobhan McDonnell, Law, Australian National University Siri Hayes, Fine Art, Monash university Dr Sky Croeser, Internet Studies, Curtin University Somaieh Ebrahimi, Sociology, RMIT University Sonia Hines, Public Health, Flinders University Sonia Qadir, Law, University of NSW Soon-Tzu Speechley, Architecture, University of Melbourne Dr Sophia Imran, Professional Studies, University of Southern Queensland Sophie Hindes, Criminology, University of Melbourne Dr Sophie Hollitt, Physics, University of Adelaide Sophie Langley, Creative Arts, RMIT University Sophie Pezzutto, Anthropology, Australian National University Dr Sophie Rudolph, Education, University of Melbourne Sophie Russell, Law, University of Technology Sydney Sophie Smit, Cognitive Science, Macquarie University Sophie-May Kerr, Geography, University of Wollongong Soraya Zwahlen, Biology, Australian National University Dr Stefan Lie, Design, University of Technology Sydney Dr Stefanie Plage, Sociology, University of Queensland Stella Marr, Archivist, University of Melbourne Dr Stephanie Lavau, Sociology, University of Melbourne Dr Stephanie Lusby, Anthropology, La Trobe University Dr Stephen Atkinson, Art, University of SA Dr Stephen Bell, Social Sciences, University of NSW Dr Stephen Dann, Marketing, Australian National University Professor Stephen Muecke, Cultural Studies, Flinders University Dr Steven Geroe, Law, La Trobe University Steven Kickbusch, Education, Queensland University of Technology Stevie Howson, Law, University of Wollongong Stuart Geddes, Communications, RMIT University Professor Stuart Parsons, Biologist, Queensland University of Technology Professor Stuart Phinn, Geography, University of Queensland Sudha Soma, Business, University of Southern Queensland Professor Sue Jackson, Geography, Griffith University Dr Sue Meares, Psychology, Macquarie University Professor Sue O'Connor, Archaeology, Australian National University Professor Sujatha Fernandes, Sociology, University of Sydney Dr Susan Clarke, Health, University of Sydney Dr Susan Olney, Public Policy, University of Melbourne Dr Susan Potter, Film Studies, University of Sydney Dr Susanne Gannon, Education, Western Sydney University Associate Professor Susie Moloney, Urban Planning, RMIT University Suzannah Henty, Art History, University of Melbourne Dr Suzanne Macqueen, Education, University of Newcastle Dr Suzy Killmister, Philosophy, Monash university Taiba Khelwaty, Education, Flinders University Dr Tal Fitzpatrick, Visual Arts, University of Melbourne Talei Mangioni, Pacific Studies, Australian National University Tallace Bissett, Criminology, RMIT University Dr Tamara Borovica, Social Sciences, University of Melbourne Dr Tania Canas, Arts, University of Melbourne Dr Tanja Dreher, Media, University of NSW Tanya Eccleston, Fine Art, RMIT University Dr Tanya King, Anthropology, Deakin University Tasnim Sammak, Education, Monash University Tayhla Ryder, Anthropology, Macquarie University Taylah Gray, Law, University of Newcastle Taylor Hardwick, Media, Swinburne University Professor Ted Goranson, Information Science, Griffith University Teresa Capetola, Health Promotion, Deakin university Terri Ann Quan Sing, Literary Studies, La Trobe University Dr Terry Leahy, Sociology, University of Newcastle Tessa Toumbourou, Geography, University of Melbourne Professor Thalia Anthony, Law, University of Technology Sydney Thao Nguyen, Art History, RMIT University Dr Thao Phan, Media Studies, Deakin University Associate Professor Theresa Petray, Sociology, James Cook University Dr Thomas Baudinette, International Studies, Macquarie University Thomas Moore, Sociology, RMIT University Dr Thomas Mullaney, Ecology, University of NSW Dr Thomas Naderer, Biochemistry, Monash University Thomas Norman, Public Health, La Trobe University Professor Thomas Reuter, Anthropology, University of Melbourne Tianna Killoran, History, James Cook University Tierney Marey, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, University of NSW Tim Calabria, History, La Trobe University Dr Tim Curran, Ecology, Lincoln University Dr Tim Doherty, Ecology, University of Sydney Dr Tim Werner, Geography, University of Melbourne Dr Timo Rissanen, Fashion, University of Technology Sydney Dr Timothy Jones, History, La Trobe University Tina Grandinetti, Urban Studies, RMIT University Tinonee Pym, Communications, Swinburne University Dr Toby Fitch, Creative Writing, University of Sydney Dr Toby Freeman, Public Health, Flinders University Dr Toby Reed, Architecture, University of Melbourne Dr Tom Heenan, Australian Studies, Monash University Dr Tom Roberts, Geography, UNSW Canberra Professor Tony Bennett, Cultural Studies, Western Sydney University Emeritus Professor Tony Dalton, Urban Policy, RMIT University Tony Williams, History, Monash University Associate Professor Tooran Alizadeh, Urbanism, University of Sydney Dr Trent Brown, Geography, University of Melbourne Dr Tresa LeClerc, Communications, RMIT University Professor Trevor Lithgow, Microbiology, Monash University Dr Trevor Mccandless, Education, Deakin University Dr Tristan Duncan, Public Health, La Trobe University Tristan Ryan, Heritage, University of Sydney Tyler King, Environmental Science, Deakin University Tyler Riordan, Tourism, University of Queensland Dr Tyne Daile Sumner, Literature, University of Melbourne Una Stone, Criminology, RMIT University Professor Valerie Harwood, Education, University of Sydney Professor Vanessa Lemm, Philosophy, Flinders University Vicki Holliday, Health, University of Newcastle Associate Professor Vicki McKenzie, Educational Psychology, University of Melbourne Vickie Zhang, Geography, University of Melbourne Dr Victoria Mason, Political Science, Murdoch University Dr Victoria Stead, Anthropology, Deakin University Dr Victoria Tedeschi, Literary Studies, Deakin University Dr Vince Polito, Cognitive Science, Macquarie University Professor Wanning Sun, Media, University of Technology Sydney Dr Wendy Bunston, Social Work, La Trobe University Associate Professor Wendy Steele, Urban Planning, RMIT University Associate Professor Wendy Wright, Conservation, Federation University Yasaman Samie, Fashion, RMIT University Dr Yasmine Musharbash, Anthropology, Australian National University Adjunct Professor Yoland Wadsworth, Sociology, RMIT University Dr Yung En Chee, Ecology, University of Melbourne Dr Yuri Cath, Philosophy, La Trobe University Professor Yves De Deene, Biomedical Engineering, Macquarie University Dr Yves Rees, History, La Trobe University Dr Zoe Dzunko, Writing, RMIT University Professor Zoë Laidlaw, History, University of Melbourne Zoe Teh, Mental Health, University of Melbourne Dr Zoe Thomas, English, La Trobe University Dr Zora Simic, History, University of NSW Dr Zukeyka Zevallos, Sociology, Swinburne University


  1. ^ highway duplication (
  2. ^ Directions Tree (
  3. ^ Directions Tree (
  4. ^ urgently halt (
  5. ^ songline (
  6. ^ Churches have legal rights in Australia. Why not sacred trees? (
  7. ^ cut down with a chainsaw (
  8. ^ Grandmother Tree (
  9. ^ 50 generations (
  10. ^ two minutes (
  11. ^ Treaty with First Nations Victorians (
  12. ^ the timing (
  13. ^ What kind of state values a freeway's heritage above the heritage of our oldest living culture? (
  14. ^ create doubt (
  15. ^ imply agreements with one group (
  16. ^ use of police (
  17. ^ security (
  18. ^ Djab Wurrung Embassy (

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The Times Features

What’s the difference between wholemeal and wholegrain bread? Not a whole lot

If you head to the shops to buy bread, you’ll face a variety of different options. But it can be hard to work out the difference between all the types on sale. For instance...

Expert Tips for Planning Home Electrical Upgrades in Australia

Home electrical systems in Australia are quite intricate and require careful handling. Safety and efficiency determine the functionality of these systems, and it's critical to ...

Floor Tiling: Choosing the Right Tiles for Every Room

Choosing floor tiles is more than just grabbing the first design that catches your eye at the showroom. You need to think about how the floor tiling option will fit into your spa...

Exploring Family Caravans: Your Ultimate Guide to Mobile Living and Travel

Australia is the land of vast horizons, spectacular coastlines, and a never-ending adventure. As landscapes and adventures vary across the country, Voyager will route you, carava...

Energy-Efficient Homes in Geelong: How a Local Electrician Can Help You Save Money

Rising energy bills don’t have to be the new normal. With Victoria’s energy prices up 25% last year, Geelong homeowners are fighting back and winning, by partnering with licenced...

Eating disorders don’t just affect teen girls. The risk may go up around pregnancy and menopause too

Eating disorders impact more than 1.1 million people in Australia[1], representing 4.5% of the population. These disorders include binge eating disorder, bulimia nervosa, and...

Times Magazine

The Power of Digital Signage in Modern Marketing

In a fast-paced digital world, businesses must find innovative ways to capture consumer attention. Digital signage has emerged as a powerful solution, offering dynamic and engaging content that attracts and retains customers. From retail stores to ...

Why Cloud Computing Is the Future of IT Infrastructure for Enterprises

Globally, cloud computing is changing the way business organizations manage their IT infrastructure. It offers cheap, flexible and scalable solutions. Cloud technologies are applied in organizations to facilitate procedures and optimize operation...

First Nations Writers Festival

The First Nations Writers Festival (FNWF) is back for its highly anticipated 2025 edition, continuing its mission to celebrate the voices, cultures and traditions of First Nations communities through literature, art and storytelling. Set to take ...

Improving Website Performance with a Cloud VPS

Websites represent the new mantra of success. One slow website may make escape for visitors along with income too. Therefore it's an extra offer to businesses seeking better performance with more scalability and, thus represents an added attracti...

Why You Should Choose Digital Printing for Your Next Project

In the rapidly evolving world of print media, digital printing has emerged as a cornerstone technology that revolutionises how businesses and creative professionals produce printed materials. Offering unparalleled flexibility, speed, and quality, d...

What to Look for When Booking an Event Space in Melbourne

Define your event needs early to streamline venue selection and ensure a good fit. Choose a well-located, accessible venue with good transport links and parking. Check for key amenities such as catering, AV equipment, and flexible seating. Pla...

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