Debunking the Most Common CBD and Hemp Seed Oil Myths That Exist Today
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Cannabis is talked about quite a lot in today’s society.
It has become a sort of legend, with wild messages and myths being tossed around and talked about by supporters and haters alike. Some think CBD is a miracle drug, while others believe it causes serious damage.
How can you know what’s true and what’s false? Well, by reading below, you can learn about some of the most common myths surrounding CBD and hemp seed oil that are out there today.
CBD Will Get You High
First of all, no, CBD will not get you high, but it is not considered non-psychoactive. This is probably the most confusing part of the CBD oil industry.
CBD and THC are both cannabinoids in the cannabis plant. THC is the cannabinoid that will give you a high effect. CBD, however, binds more effectively to receptors in your body rather than your brain, so it’s better used for pain relief.
Calling it non-psychoactive wouldn’t be correct because it does bind with the receptors in your brain, meaning there could be slight mind-altering effects. You will not feel intoxicated, but it can help to reduce anxiety and stress.
Anything that affects the brain at all is considered psychoactive, which includes caffeine. So, while it may be considered psychoactive, it will most certainly not get you high.
CBD Is a Scam
Since CBD has only become popular in recent years, you may think it’s a trend or scam that people are silly enough to jump on.
If CBD were a scam, there wouldn’t be anti-seizure medicine that is FDA approved that contains this ingredient, but there is.
CBD helps when it interacts with your body’s natural cannabinoids. These cannabinoids help reduce inflammation, relieve pain, lower anxiety, and improve your sleep.
Using CBD means these processes will be more effective, and while research is still in its early stages, the studies are very promising.
All CBD Products Are the Same
This couldn’t be less true. There are so many different CBD products, and most range in potency, concentration, and ingredients.
You can find full-spectrum CBD, which contains more cannabinoids than just CBD, such as THC and CBN. Full-spectrum CBD is usually a bit more expensive because of these additional cannabinoids, and it is thought to be most effective.
There is also CBD Isolate, which does not contain any other cannabinoids besides CBD. This is best for those who don’t want to consume any THC or are concerned about drug tests.
The potency of these various types differs, as does the plant-based ingredients they are mixed with.
Depending on what you’re using CBD for, you’ll want to make sure you find the best CBD products for you. There are tons of topicals, edibles, dry herb, oils, tinctures, and so much more that you can choose from.
CBD Is Addictive
When dealing with any new substance, you want to know the potential side effects beforehand, such as becoming addicted.
It’s wise to do your research, especially when dealing with the cannabis industry, where information is rapidly changing.
The World Health Organization has done a comprehensive study on CBD and reported that there is no indication that CBD will cause addiction in humans. It is important to note, though, that research is still in its early stages.
CBD Is Unregulated
If you’re not well educated about CBD, you might think that it’s completely unregulated by the FDA, and anyone can concoct their version of it in their basement if they want to.
Since CBD has been used for medical purposes, the FDA has been researching it, studying it, and regulating it.
The FDA has acknowledged that there are companies making CBD products that aren’t FDA approved. If you want to make sure you’re buying regulated CBD products, you can click here for a collection of resources.
Hemp Seed Oil and CBD Oil Are the Same
While it makes sense why you would think this, it’s essential to know that these two oils are very different and come from different places.
CBD oil is extracted from the leaves, stalks, and flowers of the hemp or marijuana plant.
Hemp seed oil comes solely from the seed of the hemp plant and contains little to no CBD. However, hemp seed oil does contain excellent healthy nutrients such as omega fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals.
You Just Need a Few Drops
CBD is not a miracle drug, and it will not cure all of your ailments with just a few drops.
Just like with almost any other substance, your dosage requirement is unique to you. You may require much more than someone else if you’re using it to treat severe anxiety or chronic pain.
However, to find your dose, it’s recommended that you start low and increase it as you use it. For instance, a full-spectrum CBD often requires a lower dose than a CBD isolate, so you can try different types in small amounts to avoid taking too much at once.
Look Towards the Facts for CBD
When it comes to CBD and hemp seed oil, it’s best to look towards the facts and forget the myths. As the industry continues to change, there is sure to be more and more gossip that pops up.
Stick with the facts, do your research, and you’ll be an enjoyer of CBD in no time.
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