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Gaza: War on We, the People and Arab-Muslim’s Shame

  • Written by Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD.

Witness to Insanity in Gaza 

Discarding cynicism and political expediency, conscientious global scholars and realist humanistic  leaders highlight the current catastrophic war on Gaza (Chris Hedges and Peter Koenig “The Horror, The  Horror” in Gaza. Chris Hedges. What Is the UN Good for? Where Is the Human Rights Commission When It Is  Needed? Global Research: 11/13/2023): as “The Horror is beyond words and beyond imagination. The Horror is of  blood and shredded children. The Horror is of thousands and thousands – tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of  thousands — dead bodies disintegrating in the rubbles of indiscriminately IDF-bombed hospitals, apartment  buildings, mosques – you name it.” commission-when-needed/5839831 

Where is the so called International Humanitarian Law and the protocols of the Geneva Conventions  offering protection to civilians in war against forced displacement, working of hospitals and medical  professionals and supplies of unrestrained foods and other necessities for human survival? Well, these  were written words in dried ink many decades ago and now subject to interpretation of political agenda  manipulated and coerced by American politicians and Israeli leaders. In essence, the whole world has  come to stand still and lingers on the whim of President Joe Biden and Israeli PM Netanyahu whatever  they perceive of the International Humanitarian Law and the Geneva Conventions become a reference  point. As of this writing, Al-Shafia the main hospital in Gaza was raided by the Israeli armed forces and its lifelines were forcibly halted by the occupying Israeli forces asking the doctors to surrender. You  wonder what medical doctors have to do with military insurgency and actions wanting them to  surrender. Are the medical doctors a combatant force? The Director of the WHO calls it “an  unacceptable” action. Would the UNO take action against the Israeli violent raid to the hospital? The  global mankind does not ask for bogus statements and condemnation of the Israeli onslaught and clear  violations of the rule of engagement in war but it wants a swift action to stop this insanity and  unwarranted violent action against the hospital and its staff. Are there any people having living  consciousness – any leaders to demand an immediate withdrawal of invading Israeli forces and return  to normalcy of the hospital and its serving medical professionals? There are NONE whatsoever at the  time of this submission. It is all quiet on that moral and political front of humanitarian obligations  under the UN conventions and the Charter. Mocking its Charter obligations, the UN Security Council  failed to protect the civilians from terror of daily bombardments of hospitals and places of worship  across Gaza. 

Are We, the People not witnessing a cataclysmic bloodbath being unleashed by continuous aerial  bombardments and destruction of lives and habitats across Gaza? The EU leaders are uncertain and  often giggle watching the insane developments taking shape in Gaza because the victims are not of the  Anglo-Sextan race but happen to be Arab Palestinians and Muslims of colored complexion and  ethnicity. Does it not unfold an impulse of lost civilizations? It is not a fiction but a prevalent reality  unfolding a sudden and inexplicable plunge into tyranny of killings of civilians and forcible  displacement of millions that the so called international Humanitarian Law forbids and legal experts  define the violent developments as “crimes against humanity.” 

Last night, the relaxed and smiling US President Biden on screen utters a few words to Israel to  ‘protect the sanctity of Al-Shifa hospital’ but stopped short of calling for an immediate ceasefire. Is  there another name to political cruelty? President’s Security Advisor Jack Sullivan contends that ‘we  do not want to see any firefight and attack on hospitals.’ What do you mean Mr. Sullivan, do you think  the global humanity is just digits and numbers without any moral intellectual fabric unlike yours? They  know you are on a dubious track of thinking and would not dare to speak the truth. It is a similar  scenario that George W. Bush wanted to attack Iraq under a false pretext of WMD and he defied the  logic of facts. The Al-Shifa occupied hospital has some 700 patients, about 40-50 kidney patients  waiting for dialysis, 200 or ore medical doctors and staff pushed into a room by the Israeli forces and  more importantly, 36 premature born babies (plus 3 have already died), and without electricity and  incubators. What a tragic humanitarian crisis in the making by armed intervention of the few mindless  and belligerent politicians? Two of the Israeli ministers wanted to nuke the enclave of Gaza and expel  civilians to other countries. To stop the horrors against humanity, urgent action is needed to protect  sanctity of the hospitals and emergency services. Are we at the dead-end of inhuman catastrophe? And  not even the Humanitarian Law, Geneva Conventions, the ICRC and Red Cross able to ensure the  safety of the hospital and doctors. 

Global Outrage against Planned Atrocities on Gaza 

The voices of public consciousness echo across many continents to “ Stop the War in Gaza”, “Let  Palestinians Live”, and stop the “Crimes against Humanity by America and Israel.” No wonder  who listens to these inner voices of humanity when unabated bombardments are destroying Gaza. How  strange all American and European proponents of human rights, law and justice, liberty and equality  are plagued with dormant ideas and fake statements of “humanitarian pause” rather than calling for  an immediate ceasefire and halt to indiscriminate bombing of hospitals, places of worships, civilians  dwellings supporting life and civility in the 21st century of informed humanity. These encompassing  realities are not the media disinformation but truths and facts of prevalent lifelines across Gaza. That is  how the Two WW happened. There is much evil and less goodness in the 21st century global affairs -  amassed collection of unthinkable junk history. The animals live and do not reflect on the imperatives  of life whereas, we the human beings cannot act like animals as we are suppose to be intelligent and  responsible species on this Earth. At the edge of reason, notion of evil leads to realization of evil and  the tyranny of war must be stopped.  

Are the Arab-Muslim Leaders Waiting for the End of Time and History? 

If there were responsible Arab-Muslim leaders in tragic humanitarian crisis situation, they should have  exercised the capacity to intervene and stop the carnage of American-Israeli unwanted attack on Gaza  and its innocent masses. The oil exporting Arab countries are the major buyers of weapons and military hardware from America and Western Europe. Is that weaponry meant just for a showcase or is it meant  

to be used in defense of the Arab-Muslim national interest? America and Israel needed a moral,  intellectual and political challenge to stop the miscalculated onslaught on Gaza but it was nowhere to  be seen on the Arabian horizon. The Arab-Muslim leaders lack moral and intellectual integrity and  carry no weight on global moral scale as once they used to be enriched. The media report cites the Emir of Qatar talking to President Biden and asking for a ceasefire. Was President Biden so dumb and dull  not to have listened to such a vital conversation for a logical action? A prince of Arabia calls the Israeli attack as a “war crime.” Strangely enough and contrary to conventional wisdom, what does a prince  know about the war and crimes and its encompassing reality on Gaza to make a meaningless statement. What should have been the priority agenda of peace and conflict resolution is lost between competing 

political interests and competing moral claims. What a shame, what a disgrace to masses expectations  that Arab-Muslim leaders would act to defend them and their rights, human dignity and sustainable  future. America’s elite politics is glued to supporting Israel and its operative lobbyists and the Arab Muslim elite forgot what happened to late Shah of Iran, Saddam Hussain and Qadhafi.  

Please see more by this author, “How Did Arab Leaders Betrayed Islam and Defied the Logic of  Political Change, Peace and Security”, Uncommon Thought Journal: 10/7/2023. islam-and-defied-the-logic-of-political-change-peace-and-security.php 

Israel-Palestine Conflict: Saga of Peacemaking, Equal Rights and Two States: peacemaking-equal-rights-and-two-states/ 

Are there any Arab Leaders Capable of Peaceful Future-Making? 

Surprisingly enough, there are no Arab leaders equipped with knowledge-based courage, wisdom and  intellectual capacity to discuss the current conflict at a global platform. What is the real problem? The  contemporary oil richer Arab leaders live in palaces protected by Western mercenaries, not with people and their agenda includes good times with bland females, erecting splendid buildings, football matches, Olympic games and watching camel and horse races. They lack competence to deal with war and  conflicts. They do not live like normal human beings. Most are authoritarian dictators, former tribal  agents turned into royals, princes, kings and presidents and simply act as puppets and subservient to the American, British and French colonial policies and practices in the region. They could never think  outside the box and are devoid of knowledge and conventional wisdom to act for Islam and the masses. In Chapter 60:5 (Al-Quran), Prophet Abraham prays to God:  

Our Lord! Make us not – a test and trial for the Disbelievers;  

But forgive us, our Lord! For Thou art the Exalted in Might, the Wise.” 

The November 11, Arab-Muslim OIC -Arab League gathering in Saudi Arabia did nothing useful to  demonstrate its ability and relevance to global affairs. The Arab leaders failed miserably to offer any  sense of security to the besieged masses of Palestine. Courage is a characteristic of intelligent leaders;  but shame to those who could not offer any protection against American complicity and Israeli killing  of the civilians in Gaza. It is not surprising to think that all the Arab-Muslim leaders have very little  sense of reality, wisdom and accountability to be effective leaders. 

Dr. Mahboob A. Khawaja specializes in international affairs-global security, peace and conflict resolution and has spent several academic years across the Russian-Ukrainian and Central Asian regions knowing the people, diverse cultures of thinking and political governance and a keen interest in Islamic-Western comparative cultures and civilizations, and author of several publications including the latest: One Humanity and the Remaking of Global Peace, Security and Conflict Resolution. 12/2019.

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