Locked down with D.H. Lawrence? Yeah, nah
- Written by Naomi Milthorpe, Senior Lecturer in English, University of Tasmania

Are we, finally, post-COVID?
Reading Lara Feigel’s Look! We Have Come Through![1], it feels like we are.
The emotional consequences and aesthetic ramifications of the pandemic will continue to ripple through culture, changing our way of seeing the world, even as we begin to weary of the change. Writers who seemed outmoded or alien to a pre-pandemic worldview will suddenly have new relevance, helping us to understand the emotional landscape of a world riven by disease and crisis.
Review: Look! We Have Come Through!: Living with D.H. Lawrence – Lara Feigel (Bloomsbury)
Look! We Have Come Through! offers this idea as a take on literary criticism. Feigel is the author of four books of non-fiction and one novel, all of which combine cultural history, biography and literary criticism. Her latest book is an account of isolating in Oxfordshire with D.H. Lawrence (or rather, with his books) during the locked-down months of 2020. Subtitled Living with D.H. Lawrence, it is a bibliomemoir that places Feigel’s immediate experiences inside the frame of criticism.
Read more https://theconversation.com/locked-down-with-d-h-lawrence-yeah-nah-196935