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New business start-up - Do I need an LEI code?

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Start-up businesses in Denmark face a number of important decisions and tasks when starting up. After registering with the Danish Business Authority and setting up the company's bank account, it can be difficult to know what other steps need to be taken to ensure that the company operates within the law. One of the things that some business owners consider is whether they need an LEI code. But what is an LEI and does your start-up need one? Read on to find out.

What is an LEI code?

LEI stands for Legal Entity Identifier and it is a unique identification code assigned to any legal entity, including companies, foundations and other organizations. The code consists of 20 characters and is used to identify the entity when trading on financial markets. 

Buy your LEI code here.

What is the purpose of an LEI code?

The purpose of an LEI is to increase transparency in financial markets and strengthen the authorities' ability to monitor and regulate the market. Having an LEI is mandatory for some companies, while for others it is optional. It depends on what the company does and its size. If your company deals in financial instruments or is part of a larger group, it may be required to have an LEI. It is best to check with your bank or the Danish FSA.

Who needs an LEI code?

All legal entities dealing with financial transactions, shares, bonds and other securities must have a valid LEI code. This includes, for example:

  • Companies
  • Organizations
  • Associations
  • Funds
  • BanksInsurance companies

If your company does not fall into these categories, it may still be a good idea to get an LEI code. It can give your business greater visibility and credibility on financial markets, and it can also show potential investors and customers that your business operates within the legal framework.

How do I get an LEI?

If your business needs an LEI, it can be created with an approved LEI registrar. It is important to choose a reliable and reputable registrar to ensure that your LEI is valid and meets all the requirements. 

Once you have chosen a registrar, you will need to fill in an application form and provide information about your company, including its legal name, address and business registration number. The process can take up to a few days, depending on the registrar.

Your company will then receive its unique LEI code, which must be used in all financial transactions and reporting. It is important to remember to renew your LEI code annually to ensure it remains valid.

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