Clear Aligners – The Latest Generation of Teeth Straightening Devices

As human beings, we have two sets of teeth, the first set is called baby teeth, which start to come through at the teething stage (all parents remember this), then after a few more years, that all-important set of teeth erupts and this doesn’t always end up smooth sailing. Due to overcrowding and other aspects, a person’s teeth can be misaligned and crooked teeth are usually the result.
In this short article, we take a look at ClearCorrect and ClearQuartz technology, which are transforming this field of cosmetic dentistry.
Dental Crowding
One of the main causes of teeth misalignment is genetic when a person’s jaw is not sufficient in size to accommodate all the erupting teeth. An under-developed jaw, for example, can lead to dental crowding and in most cases, the best treatment involves the use of clear aligners, which are shaped by the dentist to exert pressure at specific points that straighten the teeth and allow them to come through without misalignment.
Other causes of dental crowding include the following:
Premature tooth loss – Losing a tooth can cause the teeth either side to deviate in growth direction.
Slow loss of baby teeth – If the baby teeth are slow to come out, this can put additional pressure on the adult teeth as they try to erupt.
Additional adult teeth – In some cases, a person develops one or more teeth and this causes misalignment.
If you notice that your child’s adult teeth are showing misalignment, the best solution is to contact Beseen, who are a leading Australian platform dedicated to oral health, specifically teeth misalignment. There you will find all the information you need to make an informed decision regarding the best form of treatment.
Benefits of Clear Aligners
Perhaps the major advantage of clear aligners is the fact that they are easily removed, which is ideal at mealtimes. Simply remove the tray and after your meal, you can wash the device, brush your teeth and replace the aligner, it is as simple as that! Of course, you must remain disciplined and always wear the aligner at night when sleeping and with periodic checks by the dentist, the device might need replacing on occasion.
Dental Crowding Can Promote Tooth Decay
As you would expect, it is a lot harder to clean teeth that are misaligned; regular brushing might not remove all plaque and over time, tooth decay can set in. We only have one body and with that in mind, here are a few tips on how best to look after yourself. It isn’t only plaque formation to worry about, dental crowding can lead to the onset of periodontal disease and gingivitis, which can be serious and require radical treatment.
Consider a Career in Dentistry
If you are currently unsure about a career path, do some research on dentistry, which is a very challenging and rewarding career. There are free resources online to give you all the information you need to make an informed decision.
We hope that this short article helps you to gain a deeper understanding of teeth misalignment and make the right decision as to treatment.