Restorative massage: Technique and Contraindications

Any massage, including restorative massage, not only gives a person pleasure and enjoyment but also has a beneficial and therapeutic effect on the whole organism.
To date, restorative massage is used in both folk and traditional medicine as one of the means of relieving pain, stress, and nervous tension.
In addition, it is used to implement preventive measures and treatment of various muscular diseases, as well as to restore performance, improve blood circulation and lymph flow, toning muscles and tissues, stabilize blood pressure, normalize the nervous and cardiovascular systems, and eliminate headaches and spinal pain.
Execution technology
The technology of performing a restorative massage consists in carrying out such actions as:
- Stretching
- Stroking
- Kneading
- Vibrations
- and others
As a rule, the massage should be done by an appropriate specialist in this field, because the wrong pressure on a particular area can not only cause pain but also harm your health. Massage parlors such as Armonia SPA, for example, have professionals in the field who can advise on any issue regarding restorative massage.
Depending on the nature of the ailment, the masseur may perform light stroking actions, lightly impacting the tissue or muscle without causing any pain. Or, on the contrary, perform percussive and vibrating actions, pressing on certain points and tissues, causing slight or palpable pain. This does not mean that the specialist does something wrong, just that this is the technology of performing a restorative massage.
As a rule, massage should be started and finished by stroking. This allows the muscles and nerve tissues to relax both before and after the main process. Stroking is then replaced by a process of rubbing, vibration, and possibly strokes.
Like most massages, the revitalizing massage starts with the neck and back. It then moves on to the shoulders, arms and even hands. Gradually move to the pelvis, buttocks, thighs, knee joint, calves, and heels. As for the feet, the most sensitive are the heels and toes. It is in them that many nerve endings of a person pass, which are responsible for his performance, activity, and vitality.
In some cases, it is possible to use devices for massage, which affect the human body with the help of electric current. Like manual massage, apparatus massage performs the functions of vibration, shock, and tingling.
However, despite the enjoyable nature of massage, there are several contraindications that should not be overused. These include:
- various skin diseases
- superficial purulent processes
- bleeding tendencies
- thrombosis
- varicose veins
- trophic ulcer, lymphadenitis
- renal and hepatic failure
- and other diseases
Cold or flu
You should not come in for a massage if you are sick. Some people think that massage can make you feel better if you have a cold, but in fact you will only get worse—massage will warm up your body and improve blood circulation, which can only encourage the spread of infection and inflammation. Also think about the fact that you could infect the massage therapist or clients who come after you!
Low back pain
Every fifth person in our country over the age of forty suffers from low back pain. In addition, pain in the lumbar spine is the most common reason why people turn to massage therapists.
Probable causes of excruciating pain in the lower back—a great number, which is why it is not always easy to find the right treatment. Despite the huge number of different medications, ointments, warming belts, and similar things that help in the fight against lower back pain (at least that's what the manufacturers claim), most often people come with such problems to a masseur.
In addition to massage, we recommend that you follow five simple rules to, first, promote a speedy recovery and enhance the therapeutic effect of massage, and second, to prevent a relapse.
- Stop smoking.
- Move more—many people these days don't get up from their computers, traveling only by car.
- Stretch and strengthen your muscles.
- Lift weights off the floor correctly.
- Wear proper footwear.
Initial examination
The client's openness towards the masseur is the key to a quality massage. A professional masseur starts the session with questions: "Are there any complaints? What are you worried about? What problems do you want to solve with the help of massage? After the conversation, the masseur develops an individualized plan of action specifically for this client and this massage session.
Never forget to tell your masseur about all your problems, recent injuries, particularly sensitive areas, what you like about massage and what you don't like, and so on. Openness on your part will help the masseur to choose the right technique—this is the key to ensuring that you get what you came for.
During the session, don't hesitate to speak up if you are in pain, discomfort, or any other kind of discomfort. Communication between a massage therapist and client can make any good massage a great massage—the best massage ever. You just need to know what to say to your masseur.