Thank you to the over 20,000 hosts who poured support into Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea
- Written by Rachael Mortimore

The nation came together in a mighty way in line with the official hosting day for Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea (Thursday 27 May). Together, we have raised over $5.1million and over 20,000 hosts have registered their biggest morning teas.
Morning teas of all shapes and sizes were held all over the nation – Movie World's Looney Tunes and Sydney’s SEA LIFE Aquarium Penguins even had a cuppa for cancer.
Cancer Council’s target of 20,000 host registrations has been surpassed and the not-for-profit is well on the way to hitting their fundraising target of $7million to support all Australian’s affected by all cancer. The great news is, there is still time to donate towards a cancer free future and host your own morning tea before June 30.
It has been a privilege to be this year’s national Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea Ambassador and I'm eager to host my event this month. I will be cooking up a storm and hosting my closest friends and family to pay tribute to those in our lives who have experienced cancer.
By hosting, attending or donating to Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea you’re showing those in our community affected by cancer that you’re there to support. Thank you again for all the incredible backing so far this year, your morning teas allow Cancer Council to continue their life-saving cancer research, prevention, advocacy and support programs – supporting all Australian’s affected by cancer.
It’s not too late to plan a Biggest Morning Tea before June 30 with your friends, family and/or colleagues and of course don’t forget you can host in person or virtually.
To donate or register to host please visit, or call 1300 65 65 85.
Pic -Ms Tessa BoersmaAustralia's Biggest Morning Tea Ambassador and 2019 MasterChef Runner Up