5 books for kids and teens that positively portray trans and gender-diverse lives
- Written by Troy Potter, Lecturer, The University of Melbourne, The University of Melbourne

International Transgender Day of Visibility[1] is an opportunity to celebrate trans and gender-diverse people – and to raise awareness of the ongoing discrimination they experience.
Trans and gender-diverse people experience[2] higher levels of depression, anxiety, self-harm and suicidal behaviours than the general population.
Recent events in Australia[3], the United Kingdom[4] and the US[5] remind us of the need to promote acceptance of trans and gender-diverse young people, and to support their mental health and wellbeing.
Community, school and family are vital[6] tools for this.
So are books that positively represent trans and gender-diverse experiences, themes and issues. Such books can expand young people’s awareness, understanding and acceptance of gender differences from an early age. They also validate the lived experience of trans and gender-diverse youth.
The five books below all positively portray trans and gender-diverse lives in age-appropriate ways.
Read more: Trans people aren’t new, and neither is their oppression: a history of gender crossing in 19th-century Australia[7]