Global Conflicts, Time and Humanity: Are the Leaders Making Extinction a Reality?
- Written by Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD.

In all ages wicked men tried to plot Against God’s Way, but they never Succeeded and were covered with shame In ways unexpected.
The righteous see good in God’s Word, and their goal is the Good Great teachers were sent to all nations, to warn against Evil And guide to the Right. The penalty for Evil comes in many unexpected Ways, for Evil is against Nature. And all Nature proclaims God’s Glory And humbly serves Him, the Lord Supreme. (The Qur’an: 16: 26-50- condensed message).
“The world is a dangerous place to live,” warned Albert Einstein, “not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about.”
Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD.
Have We, the People Ignored the impulse of Time for Change, Peace and Future-Making?
Are we the human beings intelligent enough to THINK rationally and be reasonable to avoid catastrophic conflicts leading to our extinction? The raging conflicts between Russia, NATO, the EU and Ukraine and its spilled-over impacts across the globe are dehumanizing our perceptions and actions to make us redundant as rational beings. Time and history no matter how you define it, are not on our side as we the so called intelligent beings could not learn from the consequences of our own wrong thinking. The failure of global leadership to see the overwhelming interest of global mankind for peace is a driving impulse for war economies, egoistic interests and militarization. We come to realize that politics is a game of pretension and always remains problematic. Leaders hosting conferences for action-reaction military maneuvers are treacherous, cynical and deceitful in their ideas and ideals and to the public interests they claim to serve. Absolute power corrupt absolutely. Ignorance, indifference to human interests of sustenance, security and peaceful co-existence, and arrogance against the very mankind on whose existence the world enjoins all the attractions of lifelines, beauty and appreciation are at greater risk of extinction. Isaac Newton viewed time as an element of universe built-in ticking clock; and Albert Einstein saw time a perplexed passing phenomenon of circumstance and environment being part of the Nature of things. But the 21st century leaders denied the inner eye of recognizing Time and the Nature of Things to mislead the humanity and make war a new normal of unthinkable consequences.
A reflective snap shot of a critical moment in time pulse and movement of history reveals absence of reasoned dialogue for the prevention of the on –going conflict causing massive human casualties, displacement of millions of Ukrainian civilian refugees across Europe, destruction of essential civic infrastructures and furious competitive edge for success in an ugly war between Russia, the West and Ukraine. To glance ahead of the emerging horrifying events coming out of the Russian-Ukraine war fronts, We, The People of global humanity must call for immediate halt to all war machines and lingering suspicion of one-sided peace and triumph. The sudden and inexplicable plunge into insanity of war will not produce any military or psychological gains for violent assumptions plagued with hatred, bias and false claims and counter claims of military superiority, defeats and occupation.
With knowledge-based 21st century human communications improving global collaboration, we are not moving in the right direction that human logic and truth spell out for our conduct in peaceful relationships. The impulse and actions for cruelty and sadistic behavior are increasingly sending alarming trends for the present and future generations to be informed of explicit wickedness and resulting failure in global affairs. As humans, we are not thinking or moving towards unity of mankind to be at peace and harmony being the chief creation of God. Unless, we are overwhelmed philosophically to imagine that we are something else other than humans populating the Earth by chance.
Russia, NATO, the EU and Ukraine are Victims of Wrong Thinking
We, the People witnessing a planned scheme of things to exterminate humanity with superior weapons hitting targeted civilian towns and daily bloodbath as a new normal. Have we not learned any lessons from the European nationalistic wars of First World War and the 2nd World War? We, the Humanity continue to argue if wars have become part of new normal - unknown and unthinkable to human civilizations and rational thinking. We, the People are entrapped by dirty politics of the few. It needs a formidable challenge to rethink about the continuity of the current tragedy in Ukraine.
Military successes achieved by ruthlessness and viciousness lead to degeneration of human societies. After five months, the advanced war machines continued to bombard human habitats, killing and displacement of millions of innocent civilians and making millions to flee to foreign lands. NATO and the EU trying to bridge the gaps of perceptions and strategic plans by sending weapons and money to boost Ukraine’s capacity to face the superior Russian machines and plans. The perpetuated chaos and nationalistic ideals of the few are leading to collapsed civilizations and resumption of dark ages. Could wars be ever the source of conflict resolution or peacemaking? No matter how time exists in a frozen intellect, Reason will haunt human thought if war is a prelude to peace-making. What are the so called intelligent leaders of NATO, America or the EU waiting for? Is America, the EU and NATO waiting and watching how Russia and Ukraine will end up in this cruel insanity of war? Or what advanced weaponry is being used by Russia to annihilate another neighbour? Is Ukraine a test ground for any futuristic planning and administration of more insane conflicts? Surely, men who are universally hated and feared are active in this embittered insanity – a revulsion against reason and against a helpless nation and people. Why the Russian, NATO and the EU leaders cannot meet face to face for a dialogue to ceasefire and peace-making? Do the political Advisors and war strategists lack rational thinking and education for peace-making?
Is NATO being managed by wrong people who lived in the distant past and perhaps post WW2 historic culture is still alive and flourishing? What about the crux of EU’s nationalism and ethnicities for unity of minds for peace - Is there any glimpse of hope for change and new reasoned relationships between America, Russia and West Europeans? The future of violence and nationalistic resentment looks embedded into the distorted strategic necessities of the current affairs, be it the argument of Russia or American-led NATO and or the EU on its own. Perhaps President Putin and the Western leaders live in conflict time zones being unable to see the horizon of time, peace and One Humanity. The waking consciousness and wisdom would demand that Russia, America and NATO and the EU – all active actors in this perplexed game should critically analyze their strength and weaknesses, know the people around themselves and should realize that global humanity is watching them if they will act wisely for peace or demonstrate abhorrent and ruthless behavior for a peaceful resolution of the current multiple problems leading to disastrous consequences for all the living mankind.
Towards being Solution-oriented and not being Conflict-oriented
Russia and its leaders must realize the humane urgency to agree for an immediate ceasefire and try to resolve the issues through peaceful dialogue and certainly not by conquest of Ukraine. Any violations of mutual relationship will have volcanic consequences to dehumanize the civic Russian principles and values. When noble ideals are misinterpreted, it could drain out all the good qualities of people and leaders. Political reasoning is a shared enterprise within the global systems of governance to which America, Russia and NATO and the EU failed to observe. The sanctity of peace and values of human life will encompass open-mindedness and readiness to listen and learn from each other concerns and experience for peace, harmony and viable neighborly relationships. What if President Putin, President Biden and the EU leaders would meet in person and hold dialogue for peace-making and conflict resolution? The violent assumptions of NATO outreach to Eastern Europe and outrageous hypothesis of military confrontations will lead nowhere - certainly not to peace-making or conflict resolution. Who could gain in these mindless and extravagant ideas of power and military warfare - Certainly None?
America, Europe and NATO’s historic record is plagued with violence and extravagant ideas to have invaded and killed millions and millions across the Middle East, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and elsewhere. Lacking rationality of a just war, they have killed and displaced millions of people in Iraq and Afghanistan and Syria. Their claims of piety and credibility for the good are full of lingering suspicion and discard to be the office bearers of peace and security of the world. The need is urgent to foster a peaceful dialogue between Russia, Ukraine, America and NATO or else lack of rational imagination and action could destroy the national freedom and sovereignty of Ukraine. We, the People draw rational results what we see and what we hear; therefore, we are different, we are responsible and we cannot act or live like animals. There is a moral sense of spirituality and humanity to co-exist in harmony with the rest of all creations on this Earth.
The unchallenging TRUTH arising from the emerging conflicts and leadership failure call of new THINKING and New People of ideas and ideals to reject the violent assumptions of militarization and egoistic triumphs by acts of genocidal plans . We the People of globe ask the global conscientious leaders to avoid the upcoming epicenter of cataclysm and listen to voices of reason for an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine, stop acceleration of military confrontations between Russia, NATO, America, the EU and others. At the edge of REASON, war is anti-human
Was Alexander Pope (“An Essay on Man”), more imaginative of the interest of the mankind and had knowledge, vision, and understanding of the human nature, spiritual values and search for truth and peace in quest for Change and Reason?
Of Man what see we, but his station here, From which to reason, or to which refer?
Thro' worlds unnumber'd tho' the God be known,
'Tis ours to trace him only in our own
Then, in the scale of reas'ning life, 'tis plain
There must be, somewhere, such rank as Man; Know then thyself, presume not God to scan;
The proper study of Mankind is Man.
Dr. Mahboob A. Khawaja specializes in international affairs-global security, peace and conflict resolution and international affairs with keen interests in Islamic-Western comparative cultures and civilizations, and author of several publications including the latest: One Humanity and the Remaking of Global Peace, Security and Conflict Resolution, 2019.