IWPG, Statement Released on Russian Invasion of Ukraine
- Written by IWPG

On March 1st, the International Women's Peace Group (IWPG, Chairwoman Hyun Sook Yoon) issued a statement expressing concerns regarding the Russian invasion of Ukraine and urging for a peaceful resolution of the situation in Ukraine.
According to the statement, IWPG wrote, “The Russian military’s preemptive strike on Ukraine is a military action that violates the charter of the United Nations (UN) and international law. The lives of the Ukrainian people should be valued.”
IWPG also urged for the United Nations and the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions, which are responsible for safeguarding peace, to settle the situation in Ukraine as soon as possible, stop the Russian government's airstrikes, and come up with measures to protect refugees and measures for all people to return to their homes.
In order to find a peaceful resolution to the situation in Ukraine, IWPG will deliver a statement of opposition to the war to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, the European Union (EU) Headquarters and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of member countries (27 countries), the UN Secretary General, the UN Permanent Mission of Ukraine, the Delegation of the EU to the UN, the Russian and Ukrainian embassies in Korea. Statements will also be sent to the UN Permanent Missions and Embassies in Korea of the countries abstaining from voting to adopt the resolution for Russia to withdraw military forces in Ukraine.
As an international NGO in special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC), IWPG plans to conduct an anti-war online rally through its branches around the world and an online anti-war signature campaign with over 450 cooperative organizations.