Morrison to announce $1.9 billion for vaccine rollout, as Coalition and Labor level in Newspoll
- Written by Michelle Grattan, Professorial Fellow, University of Canberra

Scott Morrison on Monday will announce $1.9 billion initial investment in the massive vaccine rollout which is due to start late February.
This comes as new economic disruption looms from the Western Australian government’s shock five-day lockdown of Perth and some other areas from Sunday night. The drastic measure has been triggered by a hotel security guard testing positive.
MPs and staffers on a flight from Perth to Canberra late Sunday were told to go to their accommodation – and not to Parliament House – and await further advice from ACT health officials.
The latest Commonwealth money will fund hospitals, the surge workforce required for the rollout, GPs, pharmacists, logistic companies and data systems.
It includes $200 million for pharmacies announced on Sunday. and brings to $6.3 billion the federal government’s total support for COVID vaccines and treatments.
In a Monday address to the National Press Club Morrison will say Australia enters 2021 in “a relatively strong position” in the fight against COVID.
But in the speech, an extract of which were released ahead of delivery, he stresses the vaccine rollout will not allow a let up “in the three vital suppression measures”: border restrictions and quarantine; testing and tracing, and distancing and hygiene.

- ^ Sunday night’s Newspoll (
- ^ The priority groups include health workers and people in aged care (