CHECK.CHECK.CHECK. The new ‘Slip, Slop, Slap,’ for a night out campaign
- Written by NTIA

CHECK.CHECK.CHECK. The new ‘Slip, Slop, Slap,’ for a night out launched by the Night Time Industries Association
A new campaign Check. Check. Check. encouraging punters to do their part alongside venues to stay COVID-19 safe, has been launched by the Night Time Industries Association (NTIA).
Aimed at engaging younger ‘going out’ patrons, the campaign highlights the importance of 1 following COVID-19 (COVID) hygiene and safety guidelines venues have in place - entry check in, sanitiser provision and physical distancing directions - and is calling on punters to co-share the responsibility with venues for staying COVID-safe during this tough time.
Michael Rodrigues, Chair of the NTIA, said, “The entire mission of the campaign is to support our venues in their efforts by showing patrons the simple steps they can take to stay safe whilst still having a great night out”
Check. Check. Check. was created to be easy to remember and create an association with the words for patrons, “Similar to Slip, Slop, Slap, but for indoors, the same way venues are prepping for customers before they arrive, punters need to establish new rituals before they leave the house.
In addition to the usual ‘wallet, keys, phone’ moment most of us have before going out, we now need to also make sure we’ve got sanitiser and mask.
COVID-19 has taken a massive toll on the hospitality sector in NSW, and another lockdown would be crippling, as we’ve seen in Melbourne. There are so many venues - bars, entertainment, cafes, restaurants - working their hearts out to bring cultural vibrancy to our lives in this pandemic. But venues can only go so far, we need punters to know the important part they have to play so this vital industry can stay open.” said Rodrigues.
The campaign will encourage the creation of a new ‘going out’ routine and puts the power of keeping COVID safe with patrons who will be asked to:
● CHECK in with your correct details at the door
● CHECK their hands by regularly washing and sanitising
● Keep themselves and their friends safe by keeping their physical distancing ‘in CHECK’
1The campaign is aimed at people aged 18 to 35 because they are typically more highly social and likely to be at venues regularly, than other demographic groups
As the campaign comes to life over the coming weeks, the NTIA are encouraging venues to get behind the call-to-action with their patrons via a range of campaign materials that will be available to share in-venue and via online channels such as social media pages.
“The campaign will come to life through positive, social media share-able videos and images that we'll be making available to all types of venues to share, along with posters, coasters and stickers for sinister bottles for on-premise,” explained Rodrigues.
“Keeping the nightlife industry going is critical for the NSW economy, the livelihoods of owners and employees, but also for the culture and community interaction going out gives so many people. Plus the mental health benefits of keeping this industry open, for those that work in the sector and patrons alike, cannot be underestimated - let’s use this campaign to strengthen the industry so it remains open for business.” concluded Rodrigues.
Get in touch at to join the campaign.
Night Time Industries Association:
The Night Time Industries Association (NTIA) is here to promote Sydney as a vibrant and creative city, and to build a new positive narrative for Sydney’s nightlife. The NTIA consists of members representing: hospitality (bars, pubs, clubs, restaurants), entertainment venues, festivals, retail operators, arts and culture organisations, precincts and other commercial businesses with an interest in the night-time economy.
Members include; Australian Venue Co, Committee for Sydney, Diageo, Bacardi, City of Parramatta, Live Nation, the Independent Bars Association, Mary’s Group, Music NSW, Oxford Art Factory, Solotel Group, and Ticketmaster - to name a few - for more, go to