What are Australians Saying About #HouseOfTheDragon and #RingsOfPower?

Over the last few weeks Aussies have been glued to their screens watching House of the Dragon and Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power. For fantasy TV fans it’s truly a treat having back-to-back shows, with big budgets, casts, and effects.
Is Australia team #HOTD or team #ROP?
Between Westeros and Middle-earth, Australians have loads to talk about. Even the Australian Bureau of Statistics had something to say.
The premiere of House of the Dragon started out as we all expected – brutal, violent, and just mind blowing. While Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power worked through the episode establishing the era that we were about to explore through the series.
On the week #HOTD premiered, Twitter rose from the ashes to discuss and meme the new series. There were 12,000 Tweets in Australia surrounding the TV series during the premiere week. At least 5,000 of those Tweets were posted on the day of launch (22 August 2022).
For The Rings of Power, there were 13,000 Tweets during the week of its release, with at least 3,000 Tweets on the day of its release (2 September 2022). Over the week, more fans took time to share their thoughts about the show.
What has been keeping Aussies on Twitter busy?
With episode five of #HOTD and episode four of #ROP around the corner, Aussies have turned to Twitter to discuss some key elements of the two shows.
With House of the Dragon, fans might not have forgotten about Daenerys but are now buzzing about new characters Rhaenyra and Daemon Targaryen – particularly *those scenes* between them in episode four.
With The Rings of Power, many viewers have been reflecting on the cinematography, the striking visuals, and the side stories that have popped up so far. In addition to that, many fans are raving about the representation seen in #ROP.
To complement these conversations, many fans used emojis and memes to express themselves. The emojis spoke for themselves with the following being some of the top emojis used:
The top hashtags used to cover the latest episodes include:
Why Twitter?
People flock to Twitter everyday to discover and consume content on topics they’re passionate about spanning from sport to TV and entertainment. For binge watchers and TV series enthusiasts, Twitter has become a virtual lounge room. People turn to Twitter to supplement their TV viewing experience, whether it’s getting pumped for the upcoming season or watching sneak peeks before the next episode airs. Globally, Twitter is the preferred social media platform when watching TV, with 44% of people using the leading platforms said their use of Twitter while watching TV has increased.
Fans can keep up with House of the Dragon and The Rings of Power conversations by following either @HouseofDragon and @LOTRonPrime, or the Game of Thrones Topic and Lord of the Rings Topic.
Which show have you been following?