The Art Of Packing Up To Move

Moving house is one of life's most dreaded tasks, some surveys on stressful events have even placed it above such fun activities as doing your taxes, or breaking up with a significant other! It's just something no one wants to have to do, but do it we must, at least once or twice in our lifetimes, more if we are really unlucky!
One of the most onerous tasks of moving is doing the packing. Looking around your home it might seem impossible to fit all that stuff in boxes, but that is the deal! Your best possible move is to engage the services of professional packers in Melbourne to do it all for you, so you can sit back and chill out with a cold one while they make it happen! It's by far the easiest way to move, and you will thank yourself later!
Whether you do or you don't hire some help, there are a few things you should know about packing up a house to move, which we will now share with you!
The Great Decluttering - If you are like most people you have collected an amazing amount of gewgaws, thing-a-ma-jigs, stuff, flotsam, jetsam, and debris over the years, and have drawers, shelves, and closets overflowing with it! Now that you are planning a move it's the perfect time to go through all that old junk and do some serious decluttering! Try to winnow it down to only the things that really have meaningful emotional and nostalgic value, and items that are actually useful in the real world. Once you have decided on what stays and what goes, you can hold a garage sale or donate it to charity, as long it's gone and you are free of it!
Organize Everything - Now that you have narrowed things down you should start setting things that will go together in the same box aside in groups. Assign every group a number and make a basic list of the contents like "art supplies", "cooking utensils", "useless things I can't bring myself to part with", then as they are packed into their boxes write that number on the box! Now when you and your boxes of stuff arrive at the new house you will have an organized list of everything and know exactly where to put it for the eventual grand reopening.
Take Measurements - Everything that is currently fitting into the old house that doesn't get sent to the garage sale will also have to fit into the new house! When you visit the new house to reconnoitre always carry a measuring tape with you and a notebook to keep track of door sizes, hallway dimensions, the overhead on stairways, and tight corners that might be difficult to get a large item like a sofa or a wardrobe around. It's always best to have at least a basic idea of where what's here will be placed when it gets there.
The Australian Government's myGov website contains further useful information about making a house move. Enjoy your new place, it will really feel like home once it's full of your old stuff!