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House & Garden

The Hidden Exterior Threat: Where to Find Mould Growth?

Mould isn’t just an indoor problem; it also thrives in many hidden places outside your home, where it can cause significant damage. If you neglect cleaning the exteriors of your property, you are missing out on spotting the dangerous side of mould presence. 

While mould finds its shelter in dark, moist, and hidden spaces, they more likely thrive in gutter systems of your house. 

This blog explores the hidden exterior places where mould can grow and highlights when it’s time to call professional mould removal services, with a particular emphasis on gutter cleaning services in Melbourne.

1. Gutters and Downspouts

Gutters are the front line of defence against water damage to your home. They channel rainwater away from your foundation, walls, and roof. However, when gutters become clogged with leaves, twigs, and debris, they can retain moisture and create a hospitable environment for mould. 

The moisture can also damage your gutter system and lead to costly repairs. Regular gutter cleaning is essential to prevent mould growth and protect the structural integrity of your home. In Melbourne, where the weather can change swiftly, ensuring your gutters are clean and free from obstructions is crucial to prevent mould buildup and water damage.

Importance of Professional Gutter Cleaning Services in Melbourne

Professional gutter cleaning services offer more than just cleaning; they provide peace of mind. These experts can spot early signs of mould and address them promptly before they cause significant damage. Melbourne residents would benefit from scheduling regular cleaning services, especially after the autumn and spring seasons when gutters are likely to be filled with natural debris.

2. Roof Shingles

The roof is another common outdoor area where mould can go unnoticed. Mould growth on roof shingles can degrade them over time, leading to leaks and further mould issues inside the home. Dark streaks or spots on the shingles are a telltale sign of mould growth. Proper roof maintenance and regular inspections by professional mould removal near me can help identify and resolve these issues early.

3. Exterior Walls

Mould can grow on exterior walls, particularly in areas that receive little sunlight and have high humidity levels. This is common in Melbourne’s variable climate, where walls can stay damp for extended periods. Regularly inspecting your home’s siding for signs of mould and mildew, and ensuring that the walls are adequately sealed and painted, can help prevent mould growth.

4. Foundation and Basement Exterior

The foundation and exterior of basements are prone to mould growth due to their proximity to the ground and potential exposure to standing water. This is especially critical in areas like Melbourne, where heavy rains can lead to water accumulation around the foundation. Ensuring proper drainage and sealing any cracks in the foundation can help mitigate the risks and call for mould removal near me.

5. Outdoor Decking and Furniture

Wooden decks and outdoor furniture can also be prime spots for mould growth, particularly in shaded areas or where moisture is trapped under cushions or between tightly packed items. Regular cleaning, proper storage, and using water-resistant sealants can extend the life of your outdoor furniture and decking while preventing mould.

6. Air Conditioning Units

Outdoor air conditioning units are often overlooked when checking for mould. However, these units can accumulate moisture and organic debris, fostering mould growth that can eventually affect the indoor air quality of your home. Servicing these units regularly, especially before and after heavy use periods, is essential.

When to Call Professional Mould Removal Services

While regular maintenance can prevent mould growth, sometimes professional intervention is necessary. Here are signs that it’s time to call a mould removal near me service in Melbourne:

Persistent Mould:

If you’ve cleaned an area but the mould keeps returning, it might indicate a deeper, more serious problem that requires professional attention.

Health Symptoms: 

If family members start suffering from allergies, respiratory issues, or other symptoms related to mould exposure, it’s crucial to get professional mould removal services involved.

Large Affected Areas: 

If large areas are affected by mould, especially in hard-to-reach places like roofs or high exterior walls, professional services are not only more effective but also safer.

Selling Your Home:

If you’re considering selling your house, having it professionally checked and cleared for mould can significantly enhance its marketability and value.

Final Words

Understanding where mould can hide on your property’s exterior is the first step in combating its growth. Gutter cleaning in Melbourne requires particular attention, over and above roof and downpipe cleaning to fight off the climate changes. Regular maintenance and timely intervention by professionals can prevent the spread of mould and save you from future headaches and costs. 

Remember, tackling mould promptly not only preserves the structure and appearance of your home but also protects the health of everyone living in it. Choose Exterior Clean Melbourne for all types of cleaning services and get rid of mould spreading faster.

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