Things You Need To Know Before Setting A Bird Feeder
- Written by The Times

Bird feeders are a kind of birdhouse that focuses on feeding the birds around town, hence the name. It’s a fun thing to have but it also vests you a responsibility to install it and take care of it properly. There are various kinds of bird feeders and this article will teach you everything you need to know.
Below are the most basic yet essential things you need to know before setting up a bird feeder at home.
Know the Type of Bird Feeder You Need
Before even buying a bird feeder, you need to know what kind you need. You can choose from tube feeders, hopper feeders, platform feeders, suer feeders, and hummingbird feeders. How will you know? You must observe the kinds of birds roaming around your area and do your research on how to match them with a bird feeder.
Choose What Kind of Bird Food You Like to Put
After observing the birds around town and buying the appropriate bird feeder online (you can visit this website for a variety of choices), you can now choose the kind of bird food. There are sunflower seeds, safflower seeds, dead insects, worms, nectar, freshly cut fruits, and suet. The latter is specifically catered to hummingbirds.
You can also put crushed biscuits or cookies from your kitchen if you still haven’t ordered a stash of food yet but there are already birds going to your bird feeder.
Placement of Bird Feeder Is Important
Do you have trees at the back of your house? Or do you have high fences? If you do, then drilling the bird feeder on them is a great idea because they will be a lot safer from the other land animals that might feed on them. You can also install a tall pole and put the bird feeder on top just to create a haven for the birds.
Maintenance of the Bird Feeder Is Key
Lastly, before you set up your very first bird feeder, you must be responsible enough to clean and maintain the same regularly. How often should clean them? Once a week is ideal to ensure that no poop or other dirt will incorporate with the food inside the bird feeder.
Having a bird feeder at home is a fun thing to have but at the same time, you need to bear the tasks from correctly choosing the right type to properly installing it to taking care of it regularly.