Opt for the SEO services by Blurn digital marketing agency in Sydney to multiply your profits instantly
- Written by Brian Jones

Digital marketing has undoubtedly become an inevitable part of modern-day business. SEO is one of the essential aspects of digital marketing. In other words, SEO is simply the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website with the help of organic search engine results. Hence, Blurn offers SEO and other digital marketing services to help brands multiply their profit. Get in touch with Blurn digital agency, Sydney for more details and information on how SEO can help your business grow to new heights!
Is SEO Essential?
Building an appealing website filled with good content and keywords will help search engines index your website quickly. As a result, visitors get a good experience of using your website. This aspect encourages revisits. When it comes to the traffic driven from search engines to your website, SEO by a digital marketing agency is essential!
What Search Engines Look For
Relevancy: Search engines try to provide the most relevant results to a query by a user, whether it’s an answer to a simple or complex question. A search engine may provide the search results based on their internal algorithms. Still, there may be various factors that influence the results.
Content Quality: Focusing too much on keywords may result in deterioration of the quality of the content. Keyword stuffing is one of the issues that drastically affects ranking. Focus more on the topic and the information being provided. At the same time, insert apt keywords and make sure that it does not affect the content.
User Experience: SEO can help in ranking the website on top. Customers would then get the best possible user experience by reaching the brand website. The elements that keep visitors on your webpage can motivate them to explore further.
Website Speed: If the web pages load quickly, the search engine would prefer sending the customers to that website. If your company website has issues in loading quickly, the existing customers may also leave. Hence, frequent monitoring of website speed is crucial.
Device Compatibility: If websites of brands are compatible with a desktop or a mobile device, search engines would prefer showing the websites result on top. Having a responsive design is always essential. Contact us at Blurn.com to avail of our SEO, web design and other digital marketing services.
Internal Linking: Internal linking is always beneficial. It can provide your audience with further reading options by clicking on related links or clickable anchor texts. It helps to improve your website ranking for including specific keywords in the content. It can also help the search engine index your website.
Authority: An authority website is a site that is trusted by users and search engines. A link from an authority website can be valuable. Depending on the more links your website has and the higher your audience reach and the quality of the content, your website can become an authority.
Meta Tags: The meta description is the short paragraph which appears beneath the page’s URL in search results. Having a meta description cannot help in ranking. However, it would be better to implement meta description before publishing an article. It can help increase your chances of gaining more traffic.
Tagged Images: Many people forget to include the alt text when images get uploaded along with the content. Overlooking this may not bring in the desired results as the search engine can read the alt text given for each image. If the alt text of the image gets an accurate description, there are high chances for images to appear in search engine results.
Content: Copy-pasting content from random websites will do more harm than good. Fresh and evergreen content can take your website organically on top. Crisp, catchy and short content can attract consumers and drive in more traffic.
Headlines: The headlines for the content or articles on a website should be no more than 55 characters. This ensures complete visibility of a brand in SERPs. The headline should be crisp, attractive and descriptive. Avoid using clickbait. Do not provide a headline for something that the content doesn’t deliver.
Comments: Comments determine the judgement of the audience. This aspect lets the brand know its image among the customers. Do not turn off comments. Having a thriving comments section under your posts shows that visitors engage in the website, whether it is praising or pointing out a problem. Make sure to filter spam comments or eliminate them immediately.
Local SEO: Popular search engines serve results to users based on their location. Businesses can catch a searcher’s attention at the right moment, especially when they offer services closer to the search location. A brand should make sure that all their information is up-to-date. It helps customers to reach out to the brand. Also, the brand should have an established online presence.
Annoying Ads (steer clear): Annoying ads can be any pop-up ad that comes up in the middle of the page when the customer is browsing or reading something. It can destroy the interest in reading the content on the website and also slows down the speed of your website.
Content Duplicates (steer clear): If a search engine finds two identical write-ups or content, it will focus more on any one of the pages. Certain websites completely replicate the content you may provide. Hence, brands should always monitor and keep an eye on whether content repetition takes place.
Link Buying (steer clear): Buying random links is not worth the effort. The most valuable links should be authoritative and that too within your niche. Implementing links which are not related to your niche can create a negative impact or may shatter the image of your brand.
Hidden Links and Texts (steer clear): There are numerous ways to manipulate rankings. A user may not be necessarily able to see such unethical practices. At the same time, search engines are smart enough to identify such deeds. It’s always safer to stay away from using white text on white backgrounds. Some other practices include changing the font size to the smallest, setting text off-screen or even adding unnecessary characters and hiding them.
Contact Blurn digital marketing agency, Sydney to know more about all SEO related and other digital marketing services. You are bound to double the profits you earn through their SEO services.