The Times Australia

The Times


Australian Christian Lobby - Are we witnessing the beginning of the end of freedom of conscience in Australia?

Wendy Francis, from the ACL, is concerned about the proposed forced takeover of a privately run medical facility in the ACT.

"Are we witnessing the beginning of the end of freedom of conscience in Australia?

I know there are many demands on your time, but if you have 8 minutes, please watch my latest video addressing the compulsory acquisition of the Catholic-owned, not-for-profit, Calvary Public Hospital by ACT Labor. The move has angered just about everyone, and it confirms a widely held view that the party is socialist-leaning, faithless, that it favours big government, and is hungry for land and assets. A day after the announcement of intention to takeover the hospital was made, an enabling bill was introduced in the Legislative Assembly along with a motion to suspend the requirement for a committee inquiry.

Calvary Hospital is committed to enhancing life, not seeking to end life. Because of this, they conscientiously object to the provision of elective abortions and have made it clear they won’t participate in the implementation or delivery of euthanasia. Catholic hospitals treat more than 1 and a half million patients yearly – 3 patients every minute – bringing a healing ministry to those who are sick and in need of healing, hope and nurture. But that’s not good enough for the ACT Labor government – they won’t be happy until the Calvary hospital also assists in procedures that purposefully kill.

The government’s report regarding abortion and reproductive choice described Calvary Hospital as “problematic … due to an overriding religious ethos”. To deny the right to act according to conscience, belief, thought, overrides our most important freedom. The repossession of Calvary by powerful people creates a clear precedent for other governments to seize faith-based services like education and aged care. There’s also a clear federal imputation.

This blatant abuse of religious freedom rights coincides with the federal Labor government announcement that legislation to protect religious freedom will be introduced in this parliament. It’s unclear whether it will protect the religious freedom to exercise conscientious objection.

Our pluralist, multi-cultural, multi-faith nation is known for having a healthy respect for a diversity of views. This is at stake."


The Times asked Wendy whether or not the administrators of Calvary have appeal options. Wendy replied;

"My understanding is that the legislation being passed means they can bypass normal procedure and ensure a compulsory takeover."

"I just had confirmation that "the hospital is considering their options."'

"Once the law goes through, it's a legal battle. There is still a constitutional path they could pursue but that will need to be assessed further."

"There has been no consultation, so the hospital staff and management are still in shock."
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