The Times Australia

Small Business Marketing
The Times


The Benefits of Buying Backlinks

Backlinks are a robust foundation of your SEO strategy, helping with page rankings and your visibility to potential visitors. While buying backlinks can be a good short-term strategy, can it get you into trouble? Well, sometimes. One of the best strategies is a sprinkle of both: balancing organically acquired links with purchased backlinks. Let’s learn more about buying backlinks and weigh up the risks and benefits of both approaches.

The big question: should you buy backlinks?
Buying links is part of the normal flow of the web world economy. It’s not technically illegal to buy backlinks, but you do need to adhere to certain requirements from one of our biggest search engines Google. 

A Deep Dive into Backlinks
Backlinks are founded on the principle that pages that gain high-quality links, and more of them, are recognised by search engines as being more important and therefore rank higher, (PageRank). So, if you go about the business of buying or selling links, to try and manipulate your website's PageRank, that is when you may get yourself into hot water, and be penalised by deranking. Remember, the main aim of search engines is to deliver the very best quality information, that’s relevant, current and original. Buying links is completely fine of course, as long as you source them ethically, or qualify them with a ‘nofollow’ or the classic ‘sponsored’. 

Buying Backlinks: risks versus benefits


    • Link Spam
      If your website regularly purchases backlinks with a goal of shifting the dial on search results in your favour, it can be considered link spam. Engaging in the use of link spam can hurt the authority and relevance of your website. So, what are the types of link spam?
      - Content crammed with keywords in an unnatural way
      - swapping money or products to earn a backlink that violates Webmaster Guidelines
      - Posting in a forum, but with links.
    • An unfair advantage
      Another risk of unethically acquiring links is that it tips the balance in favour of the brands and businesses with deep wallets.
  • You could be penalised by Google
    If you don’t stay in the ethical lane of the SEO game, you could violate Webmaster Guidelines. A few things might happen next: your page may be deranked by Google, and you will lose your visibility, which can have dire consequences for your organic traffic. In more serious cases, Google can remove you altogether!


  • Your digital reputation
    If you buy backlinks in an ethical manner, rest assured you will earn authenticity for your brand and have long-term success
  • A balance of paid and organic
    This gives you the advantage of some short-term gains, along with natural efforts such as creating quality linkable assets.

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