Mirusia’s special Baldy Top Lookout performance

From touring Europe with the legendary Andre Rieu, to hitting the red earth of Outback Quilpie - world renowned soprano Mirusia will bring her superb operatic voice to a special one-off performance at Baldy Top Lookout on Saturday August 26th, 2023.
Baldy Top Lookout will provide a natural Amphitheatre backdrop as Mirusia performs her top-selling ARIA Australian Classical Crossover 2022 album of the year ‘Songbird’ with a classical spin on iconic songs such as Jolene, Amazing Grace and The Long and Winding Road.
Gaining a reputation as the open-air Opera House of the Outback, Quilpie’s beautiful Baldy Top Lookout has already hosted Opera Queensland and several Royal related celebrations this year.
For more than a decade Mirusia has toured with Andre Rieu who calls her the “Angel of Australia” and the Johan Strauss Orchestra at large scale stadium events, with her upcoming Quilpie performance set to offer a uniquely Australian stage on which to perform under vast outback skies to a more intimate audience.
“I can’t wait to get back out to Quilpie for the Baldy Top lookout performance. It will be unlike anything I’ve done before and is the only performance I’m doing in the Outback. The big European concerts are phenomenal – but there’s going to be something entirely different and special when I sing under the stars at Baldy Top lookout,” said Mirusia.
“We’re having an amazing season in Quilpie Shire following rains late last year and earlier this year. The landscape is incredible with wildflowers and plenty of vegetation for wildlife peppering the red earth landscape – and as a result our bird and other wildlife populations have exploded. Given we’re regularly treated to the singing of birdlife Mirusia’s Songbird tour is appropriately named,” said Justin Hancock, CEO Quilpie Shire Council.
In the lead-in to Mirusia’s extraordinary Quilpie performance, travelers on an extended Outback odyssey will be able to take in Polocrosse in both Toompine and Quilpie, with the popularity of the restored Toompine Hotel ‘the pub with no town’ continuing to grow as a must visit watering hole and dining destination.
Quilpie is also a popular stopover point for travellers making the annual pilgrimage to the iconic Birdsville Races, with Mirusia’s August 26th performance happening the weekend before the September 1 & 2 races – giving travellers the opportunity to dust off their race-wear finery to attend.
At the other end of the spectrum to Mirusia’s classical performance, the Kangaranga Do Street Party will be staged on Tuesday August 29th in Quilpie delivering a fun filled family night of music, bars, and entertainment such as a bathtub derby and the popular “get your rocks off” competition.
Tickets to Mirusia’s special Baldy Top Lookout performance can be purchased at:
Visit Quilpie Shire: https://www.visitquilpieshire.com/event/mirusia-under-the-stars/
Tickets direct: https://www.trybooking.com/CIHPL
Ticketing options to this special event are:
$75.00 Includes Adirondack chair, a complimentary drink (beer or wine) on arrival, a complimentary souvenir, nibble box (for one) separate bar area and event ticket
$70.00 Includes a chair (regular) and all of the above
$39.00 For general admission ticket (adult) – ticket only, BYO chair
$15.00 For 13y-17y - ticket only, BYO chair
$5.00 For 12y and under – ticket only, BYO chair
All ticket purchases will also have a small processing fee attached.
A bus will be running for a gold coin donation doing round trips from Quilpie town centre out to Baldy Top lookout, and a cash bar will operate out at Baldy Top at the event.