5 Reasons Why You Should Take Cold Plunges Everyday
- Written by The Times

You must have heard about the ice bucket water challenge that was popular on social media a few years ago. The challenge was popular for all the right reasons and made people aware of the tremendous benefits of ice-cold water for our bodies.
Exposing our bodies to freezing water through cold plunges is one of the best ways to accelerate our body's recovery, build resilience, and restore balance in our nervous system. Cold plunges have become so popular that many resorts and spas now have special packages that include cold baths that help rejuvenate your body. However, going to the spa every day for a plunge may not be the best solution if you want to indulge in some cold therapy. Hence, you can purchase a Recover portable ice bath to enjoy cold dips right in your home.
Now that you don’t have to go to a spa or resort for a cold dip, let us look at some of the most crucial benefits of this therapy and why every individual must incorporate this routine in their daily lives:
1. Enhances Mood and Improves Focus
In cold plunges, the temperature of the water is between 60 degrees F and 38 degrees F. Now, when you expose your body to such a cold temperature, it starts releasing dopamine, a happy hormone that is responsible for enhancing mood and improving focus. Moreover, numerous studies have also shown that this practice reduces the release of noradrenaline, which is a fighting hormone released when our body is in extreme distress. Since the body has an instant release of dopamine and a decrease in the fight hormone, an individual who takes cold plunges on a daily basis also experiences an improvement in attention span, alertness, and reduced levels of depression and anxiety.
2. Reduces Inflammation
Cold plunges are a blessing for athletes and people who like to stay physically active. When an individual is involved in physically exerting sports or other activities, they tend to experience a lot of inflammation and soreness in their muscles.
DOMS, or delayed-onset muscle soreness, is a common occurrence that individuals experience mostly after 1 to 2 days of intense exercise. To tackle this problem, many sports coaches and physical therapists recommend cold plunges, which accelerate the process of recovery and relieve the individual from pain.
3. Improves Your Immunity
Many individuals have the misconception that when we expose our bodies to extreme cold temperatures, we tend to experience sore throat and cold. However, the opposite is true for individuals who take cold plunges on a daily basis.
Although this therapy exposes you to extremely cold temperatures, it strengthens your immune system and makes you more resilient to disease-causing bacteria.
4. Accelerates Metabolism
Of course, a healthy lifestyle starts in your kitchen. However, cold therapy can be incorporated to accelerate metabolism and, ultimately, weight loss. When a body is exposed to cold temperatures through cold plunges, the rate of metabolism increases. This doesn’t mean that simply taking cold plunges will make you lose weight. But if you are consistent with your practice, your body will start producing brown fat, which regulates your body temperature and accelerates metabolism, which means that continuous cold plunges also assist in losing weight.
5. Helps Manage Stress
When you deliberately expose your body to stress through cold plunges, you train your brain to deal wisely with tough situations. However, while taking cold plunges, it is important to focus on your breathing and train your brain to remain calm even in this stressful situation. Practising this regularly makes your body resilient to stressful situations and helps you manage stress when you actually have to deal with it.
How Often Should One Take Cold Plunges?
The benefits of cold plunges are numerous. However, the real question is how often one should indulge in this therapy. The answer is that one can take cold plunges daily, but it is important to start slowly.
As a beginner, start with a maximum of three cold plunges per week and gradually increase the frequency to enable your body to adjust to the deliberate stressor.
Now that you understand the benefits of cold plunges, it is time to try them out for yourself and experience the difference.
However, while indulging in this therapy, remember to practice caution and don’t push your body into extreme discomfort. It is important to start slowly and gradually build your resilience if you truly want to enjoy its benefits.