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The Ultimate Guide To Switchboard Upgrades

Everything gets an upgrade with time. So your house or business may not be new, so are the switchboards. Even your needs may have changed with time. To meet the latest criteria, keep your space updated with the latest technical needs as well as give it a modern touch you must consider switchboard upgrades along with a home safety inspection to ensure electrical safety of you and your family. In this guide you will find the essential tips to select the best system for yourself, so let’s dive into it.

Why Should You Upgrade?

Energy consumption is increasing day by day. As a society we are becoming more dependent on electrical gadgets and appliances. From everyday house chores to office and business requirements, there is one gizmo to fulfill each of your needs. Outdated switchboards may cause many minor and major issues in your life, such as,

  1. Traditionally ceramic fuses were used in old switchboards. Those get overheated now due to higher electrical consumption, eventually leading to melting of wires and interrupts your daily activities.
  2. You have constant flickering of lights which hampers the longevity of your lights as well as your electricity bill.
  3. You are facing minor issues while using appliances, short circuits are a frequent event at your home. 
  4. Your existing switchboards are very old and completely outdated. 
  5. Last but not the least, Australian energy safety standards are updated every year to keep you safe. Switchboards must be updated according to Australian wiring rules.

To avoid all these and to abide by the rules you must consider professional switchboard upgrades. This will not only reduce your utility bills but also make your work smoother, faster and easier while keeping you safe from safety violation threats.

Checklist For New Switchboard Installation

Now that you are convinced to upgrade your switchboards you have a whole new side to think about. You must consider some factors before the final upgrade. Here is a small checklist from our side with smart key points to look for,

  1. Capacity: The number of circuits required in the new switchboard in order to support full functionality of your house.
  2. Amperage and Voltage: Check all your appliances for the voltage and amperage they require to make them work on their full potential without harming your home’s electrical circuits. Just tell the numbers to your qualified electrician at work, the rest will be taken care of.
  3. Number of New Switchboards Required: Calculate the number of new switchboards you have to install. The best practice is to replace all of them at once.
  4. Size of New Boards: Ask your electrician to get a measurement of your switchboard holes to get a perfect fit.

Types of Switchboards

Currently there are a few types of switchboards available in the market. As a homeowner you have to make the decision which one to go for. To make the decision you have to learn about a few factors before settling with one. Here are the most common three types,

  • Air-Insulated: Ideally the most economical one, easy to install and low maintenance switchboards. In terms of durability they fall a bit behind though.
  • Cast Resin: This one gives excellent insulation and protection from both fire and moisture. In terms of durability these are also superior to the previous one. If you have the budget then go for this type. Due to the superior durability you can consider this as a great investment for your house.
  • Metal-enclosed: Currently the most expensive and the most durable one, you will get extreme coverage against fire, weather and electrical damage. If you have the budget then definitely go for it, though it is most suited for huge buildings and business. For smaller houses.  

Do your due diligence before you settle with one final option for your house. Consider certain factors like your budget, size of your house, number of electrical gadgets and appliances used everyday etc.

Consider Room for Future Upgradations

As we said earlier that your switchboards must be upgraded by adhering to the Australian wiring rules and the rules are updated every year. Hence you must ask your qualified electrician to consider the rooms for future upgradation. For professional switchboard installation, your provider may or may not ask you about the same. As a homeowner it is your responsibility to stay well informed, do proper research before making such major decisions and clear all your doubts or confusions from your electrician’s end.


It is absolutely essential to keep yourself and your family safe by following the wiring rules. Updating yourself with the required information as well as asking for more information to your local electrician from Gen Y Electrical will help you a lot. In the end you have to make the decisions of upgrading. Gen Y Electrical operates in Mandurah and Rockingham. With over 20 years of experience in electrical work, from new installation to fitting, upgradation to repair you name it and they have their team of experts ready. Set up a call and book a date for yourself today.  

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